The Hunters

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Notes: Well people... I'm back again. To say I was done with the craziness of my life... I was wrong.

Sold my house, got married last week. Looking for a new place to live and getting ready for our honeymoon in May. What a life!

And still found time for a new chapter for you all!

Dabi felt a wave of excitement as he stood before the tall arachnid woman. The long spider legs arching out from behind her back and stabbing the ground would have sent chills down the spines of most people, the six bright yellow irises shining within the deep black eyes almost seemed to pierce through his soul as she was raised above the ground peering down at him. He then looked around the room to the multiple other predator-based criminals eyeing him down, already taking note of the cheetah and crocodile users that brought him here. He then looked up to the red haired man who gave the death threat warning already, curious to know what his animal quirk was.

He couldn't help but grin at finally finding the hunters.

"So, you're those hunters I've been looking for," Dabi said as he turned back to the leader. "Was beginning to think you were all just a myth after all that time here."

"What, did you expect us to simply have an ad posted for where we are?" the spider woman chuckled as her left hand opened up, playing with several thin webs between her fingers. "We don't just sit in locations that are easy to be found. I feel like your group should have figured that out after your little escapade."

Dabi grunted and rubbed his neck. "You can give Shigaraki shit about that. I didn't pick the bar as a hideout. Glad to see that shithole gone anyway."

"Oh? You're not upset your little gang's base is gone now?" she teased, earning a snicker from the flame user.

"That gang is just a means to an end for me. I do things for myself and will keep doing things for them as long as it benefits me."

The arachnid user raised her brow at his attitude, surprised to see this coming from someone who supposedly worked for All for One. She formed a small smirk and lowered her feet to the ground, her spider legs folding back up and behind her back. "It seems I was wrong about you. I actually assumed you were here to ask me to come and join your little gang of miscreants."

"Of course not. I had something else instead." Dabi said, surprised when she grinned menacingly.

"Well that is good for you, because I was ready to have you killed if you did." She answered, causing Dabi's smile to fade as the others laughed in the room. "I figured to let the others have a little practice against you, but you've actually peaked my interest."

Grunting, Dabi glared around to the others in the room before turning back to her. "I guess I should be thankful for such a wonderful choice by you."

"Of course. Oh, where are my manners?" she crossed her arm across her stomach and gave a small bow. "The name is Iktomi. Welcome."

Giving a small sigh, Dabi nodded at her. "And it seems you already know who I am. I figured your base would have been-

"This isn't our base, genius," the snake man from the shadows spat out, moving into the light revealing his orange scaled body and yellow hair. His red irises remained unblinking as he stared down at the glaring league of villains member, his lower snake half slithering out toward the railings. "We aren't idiots like your group who just bring anyone to their actual base."

Dabi gritted his teeth and turned and stared daggers at the serpent man. "So one of the pets wants to speak up now? How cute."

"What?" the snake man bared his fangs and slithered higher up.

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