A Quick Switch Up

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Notes: I'm back! Sorry for the delay! was in Japan for two weeks and after getting back, have been struggling with what to put to page! But I will explain what happened after! Enjoy!

The mood for the class A students had certainly improved recently. In the several days after the commissions failed attempt to blackmail the school and heroes (Much thanks to one's monthly spending budget), the students had been quite busy actually getting their minds back to the festival they had been preparing for... which was happening in just two days.

After the dilemma with everything, many of the classmates were going double time with their practice for the festival. Some of them stayed up late to make up for the lost time, the music going long and loud through the evenings. And whether it was Jiro leading the band members in music rehearsal, or Mina leading the others in the dance number to go along with the song, it never ended. For one of them, however, it just wasn't working out.

Moving one of the decorative boxes out of the gymnasium, Katara looked over to see Shoto standing beside the wall, his vision unfocused and lost. Sighing, she walked over to him, feeling her chest tighten as she saw him staring at the light burns across his left hand. "Hey..." She said, touching his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Shoto gave a small exhale as he clenched his fist, remembering who it was that gave him these burns. "Is this really what we should be focusing on now?" he asked, "Dancing and playing music while he's out there somewhere?"

Frowning, she turned and leaned against the wall beside him, rubbing his arm to try and relax him. "I understand how this must feel to you, but It's not like you can go out there and just catch him, Shoto. He's completely disappeared and no one has seen or heard anything from him or the others of the league."

Glaring at himself, Shoto looked to the side as Kirishima was moving a few of the other prop boxes to the side, waiting until they were alone once more before speaking once more. "I just... how am I supposed to just go on doing day to day things like this while he's out there?"

Katara let out a breath and leaned against him, breaking his thoughts. She knew he'd been holding in these frustrations with Touya coming to light ever since she told him that night. She knew he hadn't talked with his other family members about it, unsure what to even say to them about their missing sibling coming back. He certainly hadn't talked with his father about it, with Endeavor having gone completely silent since then. She had seen the torment behind Shoto's eyes, the teen needing to face the demons of family past, and she would be there to help him.

"Because you are not a prisoner to your brother's anger, Shoto. Whenever he shows himself again, we will stop him together. Until then, we will continue to train and get stronger so we will end this and bring him to justice." She gave him a playful shove and chuckled, "During that time, there's nothing wrong with having a little time to clear your head and enjoy yourself."

Shoto stared at the girl beside himself for a few moments before he took a deep breath, letting a small smile creep across his face. "Why do you always know what to say?"

Because I'm me," she giggled as he blushed when her hand touched his cheek. "And I always do what I can to be there for you. Sometimes... you just need to take your mind off of what's bothering you. A day to destress and just enjoy yourself."

While it seemed like a crazy statement to go by when you found out your brother was a crazed villain... Shoto knew she was right. If he simply continued to worry and stress about the situation, it wouldn't do anything to help him now. It could be many months before anything from the league was heard like last time, and if he just sat and stewed over it himself, he would be reverting back to the way he was before Katara came into his life. She had been the one to pull him out of his horrible mindset before, and she continued doing that for him even now. He knew he had to do better to show he wasn't the same as before, to be someone Katara deserved.

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