Training Sucks

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Notes: Bleh! had alot of things going on, hence why didn't even begin writing this chapter until 4 days ago. after a mix of personal life drama getting cleaned up, dealt with being extremely sick for several days as well so that was fun. but now... Enjoy!



Bakugo yelled out in pain and frustration as he shoved his hands into a barrel of scolding water, feeling his hands burning as he yanked them out and pointed his palms to the sky and unleashed a massive explosion once again. Gritting his teeth, he shoved them back into the near boiling water as his hands burned. "AAAAHHHHH!"

"Hahaha! You are a really loud one, aren't you?!"

Bakugo's brow twitched to the high pitched voice behind him, looking back to see a green haired woman with the same matching outfit as Mandalay and Pixie Bob but in yellow. "Shut up, cat girl! Let me do my thing!" he yelled at the third pussycat member.

"Hahaha! I have to check on all you little guys to make sure you follow your training!" The woman named Ragdoll giggled at his frustrated face. "You need to expand the sweat glands in your hands to lower the strain on your arms!"

"I know already! You told me three times. Damn it!" Bakugo growled and ripped his hands out of the water and released another large blast into the sky. "I know what the hell I'm doing!"

Laughing at his frustration, Ragdoll turned around and watched as the other students of class 1A were straining all across the mountain side. Her quirk Search observed every student as they strained with the training they were given specifically made for each of them, focused directly on what was their weaknesses to push past. Some like Sero and Mina had to continuously release tape and acid to maximize the amount they could produce, to force themselves to keep going even when they felt strain on their bodies. She had Kirishima taking strikes from Ojiro to simultaneously build up his hardening durability and his tail strength. She watched as Tenya burst around the mountain, pushing his legs to the utmost limit with no break to build his engine endurance.

All around, the students grunted, yelled and cried as they strained themselves to push their quirks to the limit. And it was only seven in the morning, having only been doing this for a little more than an hour. She grinned to herself as she looked past Momo, the girl stuffing her face with food as she continued to create items non stop to boost her bodies production of lipids to see the class B students straining as well. In their section, Mandalay walked through the groups as they pushed themselves. The vine girl Shiozaki continuously released her vines outward, sweating as she had never done so many at one time while Juzo softened the mountainside in front of him, his hands shaking as he expanded the range of his softening as far as he possibly could before re hardened it.

"All of you can feel the strain in your body. That is your quirks feeling their limits tested." Mandalay's voice rang out to every student in the area, only it was inside their head. Her telepathy quirk allowed her to speak inside of all of their minds, giving perfect access to all of them instantly. "Your quirks are like muscles. The more they are strained, the more they will grow. We are here to make sure you are pushed past your limits so you can get stronger."

Panting, Kendo wiped her forehead as she readied herself again. She stood facing Tetsutetsu in his hardened state, his own face scrunched from strain before he chuckled. "Come on, we got this!" he yelled and hit his fists together.

Grinning, Kendo's hands expanded out to their giant form. "Alright, here I go!" she ran forward and slammed her right fist into Tetsutetsu's chest, both he and her wincing. Her from the pain of hitting raw steel, and he from actually feeling his body vibrate from the hard strike. They both refused to stop though, the steel teen acting as a punch dummy for her to build the strength of his friends fists up while also enhancing his quirks durability. On and on this went on, the grunts and groans of every student ringing out through the mountainside.

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