A Shift in Dynamics

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Those were just some of the emotions running through everyone across Japan after the battle finally concluded. There symbol of peace had done the impossible, pulling through what looked like an unobtainable victory and bringing down the seemingly invincible villain. It was a feeling that so many would not be forgetting anytime soon as they all continued to cheer and yell for their idol.

Sighing in relief, Tokoyami turned away from the large screen towards the others all there. "It seems it's all over now." He quietly said and gave a small bow.

"We should have known All Might was gonna do it! Hahaha!" Kirishima laughed in both excitement and relief, earning smiles from everyone else there.

Tenya gave a nod in agreement before his face suddenly became super serious. "Now, I must go and find Katara now!"

As he sprinted off down the sidewalk, all of their eyes shot open in shock. With how much insanity they just watched, they had almost forgotten what had literally just happened a few minutes earlier.

"Holy shit! How did I forget Katara almost got snatched?!" Kirishima screamed out as he clutched his head, bringing a blush to Momo's face while she clasped her hands together.

"There was... just so much was happening I could barely think straight!" She yelled as she and everyone else ran after the speedster.

"I feel like an idiot now! How did that slip our minds?!" Kendo growled out and clenched her fists.

"She got out of there with Todoroki thanks to Gran Torino," Izuku huffed out, "We at least know she was safe. Th-then all the stuff with All Might happened and-

"That's no excuse still!" Kendo snapped back, surprising Bakugo beside her.

"The hell you all riled up for, class B?" He scoffed out, earning a glare back from Kendo.

Huffing out, Kendo looked forward in frustration. "She saved my life in the forest. The least I could do is be there to make sure she is okay."

Gritting his teeth, Izuku couldn't help but understand why Kendo was upset now. They had all been so caught up with what happened with All Might on screen, they didn't even try to find Katara or Todoroki. Even though they saw they were safe, it should've been a priority to go and find her the moment they saw they were out of their. Instead, he got so caught up with the battle on screen he almost forgot everything else happening. He looked back up and caught sight of Tenya standing in the road, happy he didn't at least lose him as well. "Iida, before you take off, we should call and see where she is!"

To Izuku's surprise, Tenya did not respond as he approached. "Iida?" He asked again, confused by the utterly shocked face of the speedster staring off his his mouth hanging open. He went to ask what was going on as he turned the same direction, but as he did, he felt his own mouth fall open in shock as his face heated up. "Uhhhh...."

The others didn't need to see Tenya's face to understand what was so surprising. Immediately all their concern washed away as they saw what froze the normally quick Ingenium in place. Standing right down the road from all of them was Shoto and Katara, the pair holding onto each other and kissing.

The group all sat in silence to the sight before them, a mix of blushes and grins forming on most of their faces. Tenya especially felt his eye twitching to the sight, his cheeks puffing out in confusion before stomping forward. "What the hell is going on here?!"

Both Katara and Shoto's eyes shot open in surprise to the sudden yell, Katara breaking away and seeing everyone standing there. "G-Guys!" She gasped out, her face turning beat red immediately as Tenya marched her way. "I... I'm glad you're safe!"

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