Assault on the Hunters

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Notes: Just a heads up, this chapter is going to bounce around a lot from location to location. be prepared!

Nine AM: three hours before the raid

Flipping her costume robe over her shoulders, Katara slipped her arms inside and pulled it down on herself. As she bended her fully filled gauntlets up and onto her hands, she looked up to herself in the mirror and sighed, thankful she got a full night's rest after what happened last night. After her... sparring match with Bakugo was interrupted, she had a surprisingly deep sleep, perhaps from her uneasiness going away after giving him the answer he wanted. As She finished adjusting her canteen on her side, her eyes drifted up to the necklace around her neck, feeling her stomach tighten suddenly.

After having another one of her classmates learn her truth, she was now beginning to realize she shouldn't keep this secret forever. She knew simply letting the world know was not the right answer, since there would be those like All for One who would want nothing more than to capture her and see what she was. But her friends... they had been through so much already, and to keep who she was from them still was beginning to feel wrong. She knew after this mission, she was going to have to tell them the truth, and she just hoped everyone wouldn't be a little upset about her secret.

But today, her focus had to be on something else.

Exiting her room, she headed down the hall towards the lobby of the agency where they were supposed to meet up with the others. As she came into the area, she saw several of the heroes she had seen yesterday here already, intermingling with the police who were gathered together. Her gaze was met with Kendo, the red head grabbing food from the table set up before smiling at the waterbender.

"Hey, you should grab something before these guys wipe it out." Kendo said as she picked up a bowl of rice. "These dudes have been going at it. It's always smart to eat before you go out."

"Yeah, I'll take you up on that." Katara said, walking up and grabbing her own bowl and some of the bread. She looked around as the other heroes were talking with the police about what was going on. While yesterday there were six others besides the three leaders and Gang orca, she now saw only three were here. One was a man in a green jacket with what looked like bamboo on his back and over his ears. Another man wore a full body yellow and jumpsuit. And the final wore a red cape over the blue bodysuit over his body, and was wearing what looked like a glass eye patch over his right eye.

"Where are the others?" Katara asked, with Kendo shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know. I came out here and have only seen them so far. Not even Shishido I've seen yet."

Katara raised her eyebrow curiously, expecting to have seen Endeavor or the other two head heroes. (And was assuming Shishido hadn't seen his workout area destroyed yet, since she expected a harsh wake up call if he did.) She was suddenly met with a light shove from the side, yelping as she caught her footing to see Burnin standing there, the sidekick looking rather pissed. "You alright?" Katara asked.

Burnin simply growled as she picked up some of the food herself. "Oh you know, doing fine knowing some gang of zoo creatures was going to be after me," She grunted and shoved some of the rice in her mouth. "Who the hell wanted to sick them after me anyway?"

"Well when we catch these guys, we will figure it out," Katara said, watching as the sidekick sighed before a smile formed on her face. "I mean... you think it's an angry ex of yours?"

Burnin's eyebrow raised before snickering. "Please... if it's an ex, he would be crawling at my feet begging to take me back."

"Uh huh..." Katara chuckled as she ate at her bowl, taking a few bites from her bowl as her eyes caught a familiar face walking her way, her smile fading as Bakugo stared at her as he passed by to the table. After last night, each of them had cleared up a big question that had been on the explosion teens he was going to keep that portion secret for her, there was another question that had been on his mind, and the interruption last night messed that up for him.

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