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Notes: A few days late... I know. you have no idea how hard this chapter was to write.

Inside Mount Fuji

Kendo and Bakugo stared in anger at the action Itkomi had just done. The bleeding red head looked down to the feet of the spider woman, the shattered pieces of the necklace scattered beneath the woman. She had always seen the necklace around Katara's neck over the months, but simply assumed it was a simple personal accessory, never knowing it was something so precious to her. She turned to the waterbender on her knees, worried that something like this was going to make her act too much out of anger.

And she was right.

The air in the cavern suddenly had a strange chill run through, causing everyone to look in confusion at Katara. The water around her was beginning to slowly spin in the air around her, the speed causing her hair to shift in the breeze. Kendo's eyes widened as she stared at the waterbender, watching the girl slowly stand up, her head still hanging low towards the ground. "K-Katara?" She whispered.

Itkomi tilted her head curiously to the sudden change, her instincts making her take a single step back. Her eyes shifted to the blood dripping down Katara's hand, moments before the water shifted up and engulfed her bleeding injury. Instantly, the water shifted a bright white, followed by the bleeding ceasing a few moments later. "Healing as well?" She said surprised, not knowing this kid could do that either. There was something else however that was making her senses go off, realizing this is what Kavik was talking about with her power.

'There is something different about her...' She said internally, her neck feeling a chill as she always did with a powerful opponent. her own hands opened up, focusing on her web glands before smirking. "Sorry about that necklace, but kids need to learn shit happens sometimes in life." She taunted, wanting to get the teen to act on anger and make her attack blindly to finish this battle. What she didn't expect was when Katara turned her head up, revealing the bright, glowing eyes. "Hmm?"

Katara bared her teeth as she thrust her arms upward, the water across the cavern rushing at her before bursting up behind her. The sudden force crashed into Kendo, the teen yelping as she was thrown back before being caught by Bakugo. They all looked up in surprise as the water spiraled behind the waterbender, growing higher and higher before it launched at the tall woman.

"You keep wanting to fight, do you?!" Itkomi shouted as she unleashed a web above and pulled herself out of the way, flipping forward and slashing down with a pair of her strings. To her surprise, Katara didn't look up as her arms swung out, shooting a pair of water streams out and clashing into the webs before they split and shot at Itkomi. "So annoying!"

Pulling herself out of the way, Itkomi spun out of the way as several water streams speared into the wall. Kicking off the stone, Itkomi glared in surprise at the speed of the water, it being faster than what came before as she shot forth her webbing at the teen, only to watch as Katara shielded herself with a wall of ice around her. The ice suddenly burst out and launched its chunks at the spider, having to flip and maneuver herself through the air to dodge the pieces before slashing down at the teen. Before it landed however, Katara burst forward with the water gathered at her feet, skimming over the surface at shocking speed.

"The hell?!" Bakugo said out loud, not ever seeing Katara move so fast before.

Zooming across the cavern, Katara whipped her arms at the hunter, launching several waves forth and following it with a barrage of ice spikes. Pulling herself over the water, Itkomi hissed as her legs smashed the incoming ice, shooting her webbing out and pulling herself out of the way as a rush of water nearly engulfed her. "This kids' attacks are faster than before..." she said to herself, ducking her head underneath multiple ice spikes while slashing out at the teen, only to have multiple water streams clash into her attacks stifling them. "And the water.... It's being condensed and is stronger as well."

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