The Next Step

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Two days had passed since the attack on the UA classes in the mountains. The outcome was beyond devastating for the school, forcing the facility to close its doors while the damage was assessed. Twenty eight students were either injured or unconscious, and of those several were considered critical. One of the pro heroes were also severely injured, while another one had gone missing. Beyond that however, the fact that two students had been taken by the villains.

It was something the news was not shy on sharing to the country.

"It's been two days and the faculty of UA have still refused to give us answers to the status of what is happening. They have two students taken by villains and have not given a single update to what they plan on doing next." one of the newscasters said on the television.

"It really brings in question their security at this point. Not only have they had one, but two attacks on their school this year?" her co-host commented. "It really peaks my curiosity of the story you ran with of their mysterious student two months ago."

"That is true. it seems more than just a coincidence that the moment they have this student show up, they-

Principle Nezu shut the TV off and set the remote onto the table, sighing as he turned back to the group in front of himself. Other than Aizawa and Vlad King, the other teachers sat in silence as they stared at the small principle. "This is certainly not the situation any of us could have expected." Nezu quietly said out loud.

"This is horrible. We have multiple injured students, not including two that have been kidnapped by the villains." Cementoss added.

Nezu nodded to his colleague. "Indeed. The villains must have seen his aggressive behavior at the festival and taken note of that. His lack of restraint against Yaoyorozu or the fact he tried attacking after the match in the finals were definitely things people did not miss."

Midnight leaned on her hands as she sighed out loud. "Bakugo has always been a hot tempered kid. But why would they take Tokoyami as well?"

"From what we were told by the other students, the villains believe his sinister looking quirk would match their ideals after seeing how powerful it was. They most likely wish to try and convert them both to join their side. If that happens... it would be the end of UA as we know it."

Grunting, Snipe rubbed the back of his head. "There hasn't been any ransom demands made by the league, so that must be the reason. Why go through all the effort to capture students alive if you aren't negotiating for anything?"

"There is something I need to say, and I am sure all of you are thinking it as well..." Present Mic looked up to the others, his normally grinning face hard and angry. "... there's a traitor here at this school."

While the others eyes widened at his words, Mic sat up in frustration. "Only the teachers and the Pussycats knew where the camp was taking place, and yet the villains somehow know where to find them. Who knows, maybe a student even tipped the league off and-

"Are you suggesting what the news is trying to imply?" Cementoss questioned, "The fact they are already trying to put the blame on a student is maddening."

"And why is that too crazy?" Mic clenched his fist as he stood up. "Is it because she isn't from this world?"




The table was in silence to his outburst, but not in shock. Both Midnight and Snipe took deep breaths as they turned to the principle sitting quietly before closing his eyes. "That... and that I trust Katara."

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