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Notes: ok... when i mentioned about to not mention the twist in the current manga? yes, that accounts to the new manga chapter. we will see how i take this story, but right now the focus is on what comes. Hope you are all prepared...

"What... what do you mean you were quirkless?"

Momo sat in utter confusion as Izuku explained his childhood life to her, the torment he used to receive because of his lack of powers... until the day he met All Might. Her mouth hung open in disbelief as he told her what occurred that fateful day; the sludge villain, Bakugo nearly captured as well, and the single act of heroism Izuku did to save him, running in risking his life despite having no powers.

"When he saw me do that, All Might realized he found someone who was worthy of... of carrying on the great power to help others." Izuku looked down at his hand, squeezing his tight and taking a breath. "And that is how he transferred his power to me... One for All."

The air in Momo's chest seemed to freeze instantly when she heard that last statement, her eyes bursting open in utter shock. "You... you were g-given your power by All Might?!"

Izuku's heart jumped at her yell, quickly bringing his finger to her mouth. "SHHH! You can't be yelling that out!" he mentally slapped himself as he pretty much yelled as well, taking a quick breath and sitting back. "Y-yeah. He gave me my quirk just before school started... th-that's why it's been hard trying to control it."

Momo ran a hand through her hair as she took this in, breathing hard as her mind spun. While it was shocking... she almost immediately pieced everything together; his unnaturally strong power, the fact he could barely control any of it until recently with training. Or how he was always leaving to talk to All Might personally. She always assumed being such a big fan of his, All Might offered his time to help work with him, but now it made total sense. She actually couldn't believe she never tried putting it together before.

"That's why... why your powers always looked so similar. It's not just like his quirk... but it IS his quirk." She muttered out, "And that is why you were so distraught when you heard him after what happened."

Izuku nodded slowly, rubbing the scars on his hands. "I am supposed to be a hero soon, to help people just like he did. But..." he gritted his teeth in frustration, "... now he doesn't have his powers anymore, using what he had left to stop All for One. I'm supposed to be ready to stop evil, but I am still so weak, unable to keep my friends safe."

He looked back up to the girl sitting next to him, his heart speeding up as she stared in concern at him. "With this power, I will be in danger from now on. The league of villains, they will come again, and they will be after someone like me... and anyone around me."

To his surprise however, Momo's face suddenly changed from concern to angry, her hand reaching over and grabbing his intensely. "Don't say another word. I know what you're trying to do."

"What?" Izuku asked in surprise. "What do you-

"You're telling me that because you think I should consider my own safety and tell me it's my choice if I want to be around you."

Izuku sat wide eyed in surprise, thinking she somehow had a mind reading quirk now. "Uhh.... I-

"Well don't even think about it. We both came her to be heroes, right?" She squeezed his hand as she sighed. "I know there is always the risk of villains, so don't try and push me away for something like that."

"I-it's not that! Momo, you saw that villain who faced All Might, and people like that are the ones who will come for me. That means it will be dangerous if-

Izuku couldn't finish his statement as Momo pulled him close and pressed her lips to his, silencing his words as his heart burst from his chest. As she pulled away, her blushing face carried a big smile as she took a breath. "We are at hero school. It's pretty dangerous already."

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