Between Us

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After the rest of the groups finished their mock battles, the students all met All Might outside by the entrance back into the main building. The large hero stood proudly in front of his students with his virtuous smile. "Excellent work, all of you! You did a fantastic job today despite this being your first tryout at a scenario like this."

"Thank you, sir!" all the students responded in unison.

"You are very welcome! Now, get yourself changed out of your costumes and head on back to your class. Now, I shall go check on Young Midoriya! Now watch me exit... Like a hero!"

The class was caught off guard as the great hero sprinted down in a flash so fast he created a powerful gust of wind behind him, many of them cheering in excitement seeing any form of action from the great hero.

"Wow, look how fast he is. It's so awesome!" Mineta pumped his fists in the air.

"Yeah, that's just a fast walk for the him too." Sero chimed in.

Katara brushed her hair back down and nodded to the others comments. "He is amazing to see." she turned and began following the others to the locker rooms.

Just before he got out of sight, All might peeked over his shoulder and stared at the sulking blonde in the back of the class. 'I'll have to keep an eye on Young Bakugo. His pride needs a guiding hand before it gets worse.' he then took a quick peek to a certain girl in blue.

'I also will have to get a word in with Aizawa about Katara as well.'


Slipping her school jacket back on, Katara looked over to the other girls as they all got dressed as well. Her eyes wandered over to Asui to her right, her mind going back to her shivering on the ground. She felt her stomach knot at thinking of it once again.

"Hey Tsu, you doing alright?" she asked.

"I'm fine, Katara. Don't worry." Tsu answered as she stood up from the bench. "I feel fine."

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure..." Katara smiled and adjusted the buttons on her jacket. "... After the match I felt bad. I didn't put it together about your quirk and that could have been dangerous."

"Well, you helped in the end so it's okay."

"Yeah, that is so cool how you did that." Mina grinned and walked by them grabbing her costume box. "I had a partner that glowed too, but he was a little... eccentric."

Momo rolled her eyes and rubbed her forehead. "At least Aoyama just sparkles and wasn't trying to look up your costume every chance he got."

"Uh yeah... How did that little perv even get in this class?" Jiro questioned. "He didn't even do anything during our match."

"He did more than I did in mine..." the invisible Toru's slumped shoulders shook in frustration, "... we didn't even get to leave the bomb room before we got caught."

The other girls sighed and came over her side to comfort her. "Ah don't worry about it. Todoroki is just crazy strong. He would have done that to anyone." Uraraka smiled and patted the sulking girls shoulder. "I didn't do much in my match either. If Deku didn't help me out I would have been toast."

"It should be expected though, it's only the second day of school. We have much to learn from this place." Momo told them all, the rest of them giving a smile.

Katara rubbed her head and chuckled. 'That is true. I hope this can teach me a lot more of what to do in this place.'

A few minutes later they walked out of the locker room back to their homeroom. As they made it through the door, Katara looked around and saw most of the boys already back in their seats. All except for one.

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