The Next Generation of Heroes

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The hero X-less gritted his teeth as he helped up one of the officers off the ground, the man screaming from the deep gash across his leg. "Come on, get up!" he shouted, jumping from the loud ring of bullets beside him, looking up and seeing their foe once again. "God damn it..."

Itkomi was weaving between the barrage of bullets being shot at her, spraying her webs and swinging from the ceiling before flipping down onto the ground. She shot her webs onto one of the large boulders and whipped it around, smashing it into another of the officer's legs, shattering his bones instantly. Sensing the attack from behind, she dipped to the side dodging one of Eel Boy's incoming limbs from biting her. Hissing in annoyance, she grabbed the large mouth of the eel with her sharp fingers, yanking it towards her and piercing two of her spider legs through both of Eel Boy's shoulders.

"You all really pissed me off," She growled out over his screams of pain. "You had to make this so goddamn difficult!"

"Eel Boy!" X-less shouted as his eye charged up, "Damn you!"

Throwing the injured hero to the side, she flipped backwards avoiding the incoming lasers at her, her long spider legs catching herself before flicking one of the other boulders at the hero making him dodge. Her many eyes darted back and forth across the area, seeing her work done; six of the officers were already restrained in her webbing, and after she just sprayed the webbing across Eel Boy's back, she had one hero down as well. She didn't even care about the two dead officers on the ground, knowing some quirkless cops weren't going to be worth much for ransom anyway. And now, she just wanted to be finished with these annoying pests.

"Little bastards," She hissed to herself and shot webs onto a pair of boulders. "Time to end this!"

She flipped through the air and whipped the two boulders up behind her, spinning and whipping the two rocks like flails. Two of the officers couldn't get out of the way in time, the rocks smashing into their sides and launching them through the cave. X-Less set the officer down and shot out his laser cutting one of the webs and rocks free.He quickly shot another beam cutting the second rock in half, but couldn't move fast enough to evade the web she shot, ensnaring his neck. He was helplessly flung through the air and slammed into the ground in front of Itkomi, gasping out before one of her spider legs pierced the glass covering his face, stripping him of the very eye that gave him his quirk.

Ripping out the bloody leg tip, Itkomi huffed out as he screamed in pain, she stomped on his neck knocking him out. She heard scuffling behind her, turning and frowning as she saw one of the officers stumbling up, grabbing one of the rifles from the ground and attempting to aim the gun in her direction. "Why do you cops even bother anymore?" she hissed out, forming a thicker web between her hands. "Normal humans are so useless these days..."

As the officer readied to pull the trigger, the web lashed out and slashed through his shoulder. His eyes widened in shock from the spray of blood on his side, the searing pain running through his body as his arm and the gun fell to the ground beside him. He screamed out in agony and clenched his hand over the open wound, only to be silenced as a spray of her webs launched him back and pinned him to the wall. Growling, the spider woman glanced around once more, seeing the group around her had been incapacitated now.

"Son of a bitch...." She hissed to herself, seeing this had taken a little longer than she had hoped. Her ears picked up footsteps from behind, turning to see her second in command coming her way, the battered lion hero slumped over his shoulder. "Finished as well?"

Snickering, Muteki gave a nod. "He was a bit tougher than I expected. Took a few minutes to bring him down."

Itkomi's brow raised at his statement before she saw the bruising on his body. Suddenly, she felt a wave of anger flood her mind. "You didn't use the gun, did you?"

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