Starting Line

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The alarm next to Tensei's bed stirred him up from his slumber. He forced his eyes open and mumbled to himself. "Ugh, I don't know why I set it so early this morning. I don't have much set for the day." He rolled over to slap the alarm off and stared at the time. "it's only six. Great job, Tensei."

He rubbed his face for a few seconds to wake himself up, huffing out and sitting upright. He walked out of his bed and slipped his shirt on over his body. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his messages to look back to what he had sent last night to remind himself, seeing all he had planned was a day of paperwork he was slacking on lately. But now that he was up, he knew he couldn't simply fall back asleep. "Might as well do some of that work now..." he sighed to himself and slipped on a pair of socks.

Walking out of his room, he made his way to the left and turned to open his office, but was confused when he saw the door open and the lights already on. "Huh? I know those were off last night and..." His voice slowly trailed off when he saw the sight before him, bringing a large grin to his face. "...Ah, I see."

Katara was leaned over the side desk that he had in the room, multiple books spread out across the top of it. The young girl was face flat against one of the open encyclopedias, obviously exhaustion took over her body from reading. Her hanging hair was strewn out everywhere, some of it blowing in and out from her open mouth breathing. The sight of her in this position brought a chuckle to the turbo hero, walking over to the couch and grabbing a spare blanket and carrying it over to the young girl. He draped it over her shoulders and glanced to the pages she was reading before she passed out.

"What do we have here, huh?" He pulled one of the books up and raised an eyebrow. "Refrigerator... Hm, I see you weren't joking last night."

He set the book back down and walked out of the room to the kitchen. He pulled out a bowl from the cabinet and reached for the cereal as well. He was about to open it up before he sat and thought for a few moments. His eyes drifted back towards the office and he felt a little guilty having her stay here alone while he went into the agency for the day. If she really was new to this city, lifestyle and world, maybe leaving her alone her first day wouldn't turn out the best.

"I'd come home, and she burned the place messing with the stove." He shivered at the thought before picking his phone up and dialing it real quick. He waited a few moments before he heard it answer. "Yes, can you cancel my appointments for the day? Some stuff came up... family emergency? Uh... you can say something like that."

He waited a few moments before nodding. "Perfect, I'll see you Monday. Goodbye."

He clicked it closed and smiled. "Well, since I am here too, might as well introduce her to them."

Katara slowly felt her mind stirring awake, forcing her eyes to slide open. She mumbled to herself as she sat up from the desk and gave a small wince. "Ow!"

She reached up and rubbed the back of her neck and felt a tight kink. "Great, falling asleep like this wasn't the best idea." She grunted to herself and tried to stand up, shocked when she felt a blanket fall down from her back. "Huh?"

Looking down at it, she remembered she never put one on last night, meaning someone placed it on her at some point. A small smile crept on her face at the act, appreciating her host even more. A big yawn left her mouth and she stretched out her back feeling a few pops escape. Sighing in relief, she looked back down to the books before her and rubbed her head. "I guess I overdid it last night."

Her mind began replaying the random assortment of things she attempted to take in the night before.




She lost count of how many things she read last night, and after a while they began to blur in a giant mess as her exhaustion crept up and took over her mind. Trying to learn as much as she could in one night was definitely far too much for her to process and understand, now knowing she should pace herself a bit better if she were to get a true feel of this place. She turned around and took notice of her water tribe robes folded on top of the main desk.

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