The Nomu

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Midoriya and the two beside him sat petrified to the sight of their teacher bleeding on the ground. The freckled boy shivered in the water not from the cold, but to seeing Aizawa taken down instantly by this monstrosity.

"Ai-zawa sensei..." Midoriya muttered in fear to the blood running out from the injured hero.

"He's bleeding so much... ribbit." Tsu quietly said as she peeked over the ledge they were hiding by. "Maybe we should go help him."

What are you crazy!?" Mineta whined out, "That freaky thing just took him down like nothing. What are we supposed to do!?"

While he was afraid, Midoriya knew she was right. If they didn't do something soon, there teacher was going to be dead soon. "Asui is right. Err.. I mean Tsu! We have to do something fast."

"Do what!? You're crazy Midoriya, lets wait for the teachers to help!" Mineta pleaded.

Before any of them realized it, a single girl ran across the plaza to their shock. "Katara!?" Midoriya shot out in disbelief.

"I said let him go!" Katara screamed in anger and launched a large ice spike towards the monsters heart. It's beady eyes looked up to the call, noticing the incoming attack and screeched out. Its free arm swung out and shattered the ice into a hundred pieces like it was nothing. Glaring, Katara stopped just before the beast and gathered all the water she had and covered her arms again. "Get off of him now!"

Wincing below his captor, Aizawa looked up in shock to the girl coming to his aid. "Katara, g-get out of here. Go and- AHH!"

Katara's eyes widened as she watched the creature snap Aizawa's arm with a sickening crack. "Stop it, leave him alone!"

Seeing her panic made Shigaraki snicker in enjoyment. "Does the little girl wish to be a hero now? How adorable. I brought this friend of mine here for All Might, but you can be another warm up for him..." he looked over to his beast and smiled underneath the hand on his face. "Nomu, take care of this one for me."

The Nomu's beady eyes locked on the girl before it, letting Aizawa's limp arm slip out of its grasp and walk forward. Katara gritted her teeth and took several steps back. She didn't know what this thing could do, but she could already sense it was not to be taken lightly like the goons she fought with Tokoyami. This was something else entirely.

Shigaraki pointed forward and laughed. "Now Nomu... kill her."

Katara brought her arms up in preparation, but then she was caught off guard by the blitz from the nomu. She barely had a second before jumping back as its large fist smashed into the stone where she was just standing moments earlier.

'It's really fast!' She screamed internally and whipped her left arm forward and cracking the Nomu across the face. To her shock once again the monster didn't even blink to the hard hit, seemingly not affected by it at all. She whipped it several more times but it seemed to not faze it whatsoever. "What is this thing?"

The Nomu charged once again as Katara gathered all the water and shot forward a thick stream directly into its chest. Her eyes widened however as the creature was walking through the gushing water like it wasn't even there. She pulled her water back and rolled just before it swiped at her head, blowing out a stream of mist from her mouth and freezing the water over its body. The ice prison wasn't fully hardened however before the Nomu's muscles broke through it like it was simply tissue paper. It screeched out and ran forward with blinding speed that Katara barely had time to create an ice wall in front of her. She hoped that would give her a few seconds to get back.

And then it ran through it like it wasn't even there.

"N-no way..." she muttered in horror as its clawed hand reached directly for her face. Just then however she felt her body yanked back by her waist and whipped through the air away from the Nomu. She yelped while she floated back down to the ground twenty feet away, looking down to a familiar pink tongue.

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