To do the Right Thing

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She could feel them all.

The white snow blanketed the ground everywhere around her, slowly turning a dirty gray. The chunks of soot fell from above staining the ground. Fire flew through the sky, scorching the top of the southern village huts. A single young girl ran through the icy snow as she raced back home.

"Mom. Mom, where are you!?"

Katara weaved her way through the panicked villagers as they ran in all directions. The warriors ran passed her to engage the attackers while the others tried to find cover where they could. She however was trying to get back to her home to find who she was looking for.

"Mom! Mom!"

She saw her hut in sight, there was something else that sent a cold shiver up her body. Scorch marks on the blanket covering the entrance inside. Her heart racing, she rushed forward and pulled back the cover. She did find her mother, but she was not alone. She looked up into the cold eyes of a man standing over her.




Katara burst up from her bed, panting as her heart raced inside her chest. She gripped her forehead in fear as she tried to calm her nerves. Even though the memory she experienced was from so many years ago, it still managed to surface from time to time. She was just grateful that it stopped before it got any further. After a few moments her breathing finally began to slow, taking in deep inhales to relax her tense body.

"It's just a memory..." She whispered between breaths. "Just a dream." Her eyes glanced over to the new clock she received by her bed, seeing It was already after Eight.

She reached down and grimaced at the shirt she was wearing, now damp from the nightmare she endured. Mumbling to herself, she crawled out of bed and looked around her room. The once barren walls were now lined with different posters of the ocean and of mount Fuji. Her body slowly moved over to the mirror above her dresser as she stared at herself for sometime, her hand coming up to her mothers necklace that she wore. She ran her finger across the gem as her eyes looked up and down herself, seeing that pendant was the only thing she had on that even reminded her of her old life.

"How time has changed, huh..."

It had been just over two months since she had suddenly appeared in Japan. Two months since her life got flipped upside down. She had spent six months of her life battling across the world she knew, fighting off firebenders and creatures most only dreamed of. From the south pole to the north, from Ba Sing Se to the fire nation capital, the entire world she had gone across in that matter of time.

And now, she had spent what felt like just as much time in one place completely new to her. And in terms of action; the most she had was all in the first night of her arrival. Now, her days of fighting were over and replaced with one that she never expected.


She couldn't help but laugh at herself. "I didn't ever think books would be my thing I'd be focused most on."

After changing her clothes, she walked out of her bedroom to the living room and looked around for her host. After a few moments she realized that Tensei was already gone, something she had become used to after a while. "Already to the office today." She whispered to herself and sat down on the couch.

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