Date Night

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Notes: apologies for getting this out a week late. working out of town has been draining... and dates are hard for me to write. But anyway... enjoy!

Splashing the water onto her face, Katara relished in the fresh feeling she got from the cool liquid. Looking up in the bathroom mirror, she sighed in relief at herself. After taking the night before to simply clear her mind, she felt much more relaxed and comfortable now... Especially since tonight was apparently something special planned.

She giggled in amusement as she thought about what may be happening tonight, wondering what Shoto had come up with as their date. She wasn't planning on anything elaborate happening, and she didn't need anything like that. As long as it was a good time, she didn't need anything more. All she wanted was the chance to finally enjoy some quality time with Shoto. Now she simply had to wait for him to let her know when to come and meet him downstairs.

The door to the bathroom opened up behind her, Katara looking in the reflection to see Momo coming in. Smiling, she nodded and moved to the side giving her room. "Good morning." She said.

"Hey Katara. Sleep well?" Momo asked as she came to the counter.

"Yes I did actually. Just getting cleaned up."

Momo gave a small smirk at the waterbender. "Getting ready for your special date tonight?"

Katara blushed as her eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know?"

Blushing herself, Momo shook back and forth in excitement. "Well, I know there is something special being done here for you two.... And Izuku asked me out as well."

"Really?" Katara was certainly surprised at hearing that, a small smile growing on her face. "So it looks like we both have something to look forward to."

"I guess so..." Momo chuckled as she wiped her face with a cloth. "Who knows what is being set up for us."

"And that's all you need to know!"

Both girls jumped from Mina's head poking through the door behind them, the pink girls face glowing in excitement. "Wait... does everyone know about this?" Katara asked, earning a snicker from the newcomer.

"Hey, we are trying to help make this night special. And look at you two, not even close to being ready!" Mina chuckled.

"Ready?" Momo tilted her head in confusion. "It's still early in the day."

"Pshh... yeah, and stuff can't be rushed. So we are getting you ready for that." Mina giggled.

"We?" Katara asked.

Mina nodded and pushed the door open further, revealing Toru carrying an entire crate of makeup supplies. "This is going to be such a fun day!" Toru yelled out in glee.


One hour later

Yawning, Bakugo rubbed his head as he came down the elevator. After two days out in the field, his muscles were extremely sore, even more so than his training at the camp. Hell, he was shocked to realize he had slept past ten in the morning! His quirk was being strained to a level far beyond its normal levels, meaning his power was being pushed to a greater level as well. He couldn't help but continue chuckling to himself at the rise in strength he could feel inside.

"Maybe that crazy bunny isn't such a bad place to be..." he said to himself in amusement, not expecting what was happening. Did he actually enjoy working under Mirko? At times no... since she was ready to kick his ass the moment he stepped out of line with her. What he did enjoy was the chance to finally fight some villains, able to freely take on as many as he wanted every time they were out . Now that he was getting stronger, he wanted to keep at it until he was certainly the strongest in the class.

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