{One: "of the lonely ones."}

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(Tw: Child neglect and abuse)

Blaring and obnoxious cries filled the air as chubby little hands thumped against the plush carpet. With snot running down his crumpled and ruddy face, a child of around four glared accusingly at the silent, long-limbed boy before him. "I hate you! You're so useless!"

Such intense and daunting wails seemed to shake the very earth upon which Cedric stood. Or perhaps it was his heart that was more affected. He could not say as he was promptly shoved aside by an adult figure rushing into the room.

A tall, gorgeous woman graced the children with her presence, the clack of her ever-invasive pumps moving in sync with the erratic beat of his heart. Her dramatic, body-hugging silk dress swayed with her strong strides. "Oh darling, mommy's here!"

Cedric unceremoniously fell from the woman's surly force, causing the glass of juice within his delicate hands to tumble and shatter upon impact with the ground.

Sticky orange fluid splashed his thin shirt while broken shards scattered dangerously underneath him. Countless sharp-edged fragments embedded deep into his left palm as he landed with a heavy thud. He'd thankfully evaded having his behind impaled, missing the epicenter of danger by mere inches.

The resounding crash prompted a hasty pause in his mother's approach of the howling devil-child nearby. Thunderous footfalls instead advanced toward him before a harsh hand swept heavily across his cheek, leaving a streak of red in its wake. He was scratched by the thick, jewel-encrusted rings which adorned his mother's thin, unblemished fingers.

"You useless brat! First, you made my baby cry, and now you've ruined my glassware set." The woman's shrill voice seethed, her piercing cornflower eyes searing into his skin for trivial moments. She would rather focus on more important things than the well-being of her second child.

Her well-kept caramel curls bounced fortuitously as she reached for her youngest son, leaving Cedric with disgruntled parting words. "Clean this up and get out of my sight!"

"Mommy, he got me the wrong juice~" Now that his savior had appeared, Scott ditched his howls of feigned grievance for complaining whines, stretching his stubby arms out for a hug. Of course, Mrs. Evans readily met his actions, scooping her miniature version up against her bosom. He burrowed his face between her countless necklaces and the gold earring dangling from her right lobe.

As she comforted him with sweet promises of new toys and delicious treats, he gloatingly peeked over her shoulders at the yet-crouching Cedric. There was not a single tear visible on his face now, though it still flushed from the effort he'd taken to scrunch his nose and fake his agonized cries. He stuck his tongue out at the older boy, taunting Cedric with the display of affection that only he was inclined to receive from their usually curt mother.

Cedric watched the sickening, sugary performance with unperturbed eyes, following their conjoined figures as they disappeared into an adjacent room. Using his good hand, he pushed himself off the floor. His left palm was stiff against his side, shallow cuts littering its surface. Some deeper notches bled heavily, and he'd have to treat them soon before he lost more blood.

Quietly, Cedric sulked his way to the kitchen to retrieve cleaning supplies. It was essential that he clean the mess first and foremost; otherwise, he'd risk getting another slap from his mother. All else could wait so long as it pleased his parents.

Growing up, Cedric knew his parents weren't normal. His father was an overly strict businessman who valued others' abilities. His mother was the opposite, somewhat inattentive and uncaring for anyone besides herself. They were both people who happened to get their way with things in life, aside from their marriage, which had been arranged unwillingly. Given that fact, it surely wasn't difficult to imagine what sparks would fly between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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