[Chapter 12]: Little Angel

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It had already been a whole day and a half until Kallie remembered that private message that he was sent on the day of his live stream. He was in his room currently, staring at the message sent by another streamer on Bewitch. It was a bit hard to react, as the words sent were so shocking.

The one who messaged Kallie was the user AngelCharlie42, a very popular streamer, whose real name was Charlie Cortez. In fact, his channel was even one rank higher than Kallie's, in 4th place. He never would've thought that such a famous person would contact him. So, it took him about an hour to think of a reply, even with the earlier delay.

Charlie had sent him a text, asking if the other wanted to collaborate with him! This big shot really wanted to work with such a nobody like him! And he even said he was a fan of Siren! Can you believe it?!?

Kallie sure couldn't, even though his popularity was not that much lower than the other's. After carefully typing and erasing countless sentences, Kallie finally had the perfect answer. He jumped around his room with unprecedented energy, just thinking about it.

AngelCharlie42: Hello, Siren!! I don't know if you recognize me but it's Charlie Cortez. I was watching your recent stream and I heard you mention that you were wishing for a partner.[11:46am, 6.30.XX]

AngelCharlie42: I'm contacting you because I wanted to request if I could be considered. I'm a big fan of yours and it's really my honor to collaborate with you!! What do you think? [11:46am, 6.30.XX]

ImmuredSiren721598: Are you kidding?! You're my fan? I'm totally your biggest fan!! I can't believe you contacted me, I'd love to work with you!! I should be honored that you even watch somebody like me! [5:28pm, 7.1.XX]

Kallie sent his reply as quickly as possible, hoping the other would still bother to talk with him. After waiting more than a day, who would bother to wait? Certainly not Charlie, who must be very busy as he streamed almost every day, unlike Kallie.

But Kallie did not want to miss this opportunity, he really wanted to work with the other. A partner was exactly what he needed and this man was likely the most qualified. Luckily enough, he got another text.

AngelCharlie42: No, no, I'm thrilled you even replied! I thought I might've been rejected...[5:56pm, 7.1.XX]

ImmuredSiren721598: I'm sorry, I had some moving matters to deal with. But how could someone like me dare to reject you?! [5:59pm, 71.1.XX]

AngelCharlie42: Oh please! You're just as popular as me, what do you mean someone like you? And congratulations on your move:) I follow your channel so I've seen the announcements you post. I'm glad your injuries are better now too![6:00pm, 7.1.XX]

Kallie and the other repeatedly messaged each other, trading well-deserved compliments and praise. That did not end for a while until Kallie realized that he may have been too overbearing. He finally remembered the matter of the collaboration and decided to bring it up again to get back on track.

ImmuredSiren721598: You're just so, so amazing. Sometimes, I wish that you could pound me into nothingness. Ugh, I get turned on by just imagining you...[7:23pm, 7.1.XX]

It was an unusual thing to tell someone whom you were speaking with for the first time. But for these two adult streamers that exposed their entire bodies to a vast audience, it was only cake batter. They had yet to heat the oven or bake the cake and decorate it.

AngelCharlie42: Then let's make that happen!! But I'd like to talk about this with you in person if that's okay. [7:24pm, 7.1.XX]

Kallie hesitated after that because he hadn't really thought this through well. He had forgotten that if they were to collaborate, the other would have to meet him in real life. And now, if they were to talk with each other, they'd have to meet somewhere. He may not be able to wear his mask.

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