[Chapter 14]: Eluded Doohickey

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"Use what?" A tired and husky voice suddenly inquired, coming from somewhere behind Rowan. The latter was quick to turn around once he heard it. Standing by the door was Gavin, who had just walked in. Wearing one of his dress shirts that showed he just came home from work, he leaned against the doorway, staring at the two suspiciously. "Hmm?"

"Gavin, what are you doing here?" Rowan instantly questioned, blocking off Nathaniel's view. It was unconsciously done, as he usually wouldn't hide things from his boyfriend and especially not from Gavin. But, he really didn't want the other to see the thing in Nathaniel's hands.

"It's time for lunch and you guys haven't shown up yet, so I came to get you." The glasses-bearer noticed how Nathaniel seemed to be holding something while hiding behind Rowan's small figure. But how easy was it to cover up a person that was taller than you even while sitting?

"Yo Gavin, come see this," Nathaniel spoke out before Gavin could ask what exactly the two were doing in here. As the man walked forward, he was prepared to see any weird or possibly messed up thing. That was the usual when he saw something in Nathaniel's hands. It was most likely the spoils of a recent prank of his, though he couldn't recall if the other had planned something as of late.

What he wasn't expecting when he walked over though, was an XL-sized purple dildo placed in Nathaniel's elegant hands. It would've normally looked nice, to see that specific shape held by those long, and thin fingers. But not when it was holding the one thing that Gavin did not want to see again.

"Put that thing back where it came from." Disdain was clear in his green eyes, that much was obvious to Rowan. The ravenette had tried to gouge his reaction and was anxious to see his lover's fatigued state.

Nathaniel, meanwhile, didn't understand why they were trying to kill his fun. Watching as the two flinched when he began thrusting the object in his hands toward them, he had to exclaim, "Oh, come on. Why?!"

"It's disgusting, isn't it?" Gavin asserted, rubbing at his eyes for release. He had just come home from a long day of working and this was definitely not what he wanted to be dealing with. He had to look at the man standing beside him for some support, and thankfully, Rowan nodded in agreement.

"I love when you agree with me, babe." Gavin leaned down to place a kiss on Rowan's lips as he pulled the other against his body.

Rowan allowed the strong hand to circle his waist as he twisted around to kiss his boyfriend back. "Mhm, me too."

"Ah geez, you two. I was sure you'd understand me." Pouting now, Nathaniel was let down by his two partners in crime. Why didn't they want to work with him this time? They usually never minded any of his previous pranks, though they still complained. But that was their normal. "What's wrong with taking it? I'm only curious."

"Like I said, it's disgusting. You're touching someone else's dildo and it's not even any of ours." Gavin declared, not in the least bit tempted by the silly pout on the freckled man's face. He felt like biting it instead, wanting to show his authority.

"Well, you guys don't own any!" Nathaniel threw back at Gavin's remark. Frankly, it was weird to touch something that most likely went into the backside of someone he didn't know well. But, he was still interested in Kallie's reaction. He wanted to know how the other would panic when he found out that his toy was missing. The man's reactions were pure gold so far, in this house where everyone was already used to his pranks.

"If you wanted one, then just ask for it. I could buy one for you, yeah?" Gavin suggested with a slightly indulgent grin. He would get anything for his boyfriends, especially if it could please them. Though he would prefer to grant that to the other himself.

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