[Chapter 36]: Fettered Fellow

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"Do you need me to model this time?" A low, forbearing voice spoke. The sound did not travel far, only reaching the person directly beside the speaker. A breeze traveled through the narrow pathway, swaying sunflowers encircling both males.

"No, I'm okay for today. Thanks for offering though." Trevor chuckle softly at his stormy-eyed lover's inquiry. He could see the slight aversion in Stein's gaze and decided to let the other go unrestrained.

Occasionally, Trevor asked the blonde to pose for a portrait. Stein initially had no qualms with the request, it was easy to sit still among some flowers or other, enjoying the book he'd brought along with him. The others didn't have enough patience as him either, hence why he was always asked to be the model.

At some point though, he began to dislike the stiffness from being in one position for too long. Even he, every so often called La Leggitrice by his art-loving boyfriend, could not stand acting like a stone sculpture all day.

After the surprisingly appealing reply from Trevor, Stein gave a hum of acceptance. He pecked the other's forehead in thanks, stalking away towards the others who had long began wandering the flower fields, leaving the two to do their own thing.

Trevor watched the dirty blonde's retreat, whilst readying to set up his canvas and easel as he sat upon a stool. He open up his portable paint station, a box with dozens of watercolors and acrylics lined together. A variety of paint brushes bordered the side, with a disposable plastic cup and water bottle accompanying them. After everything was set up, he lifted his palette to embark on the fulfilling journey of art creation.

Meanwhile on the path ahead, Nathaniel sauntered through the thick stalks of sunflowers. He took special care to avoid the imperceptibly shorter lavender flowers dispersed among them, eyes sparkling as his hand rested against the back of his plant-loving boyfriend in the lead.

Cedric took his time surveying the area through the lens of his camera, searching for eye catching shots. Although the hand on his back was quite distracting, he could not refuse the supportive rubs of someone that willingly followed him to learn more about his hobby.

"See you guys later." Stein passed by them soon enough, reaching over to ruffle his freckled lover's hair. Not wanting to disturb the other, he simply grazed a palm along Cedric's back, casually running over Nathaniel's fingers in the process.

With soft steps, Stein walked a great distance from the three behind him, coming before a dark haired hunk with an orange tabby upon his shoulder. He stretched a hand up to scratch under Croissant's chin tenderly. The kitten quickly purred in satisfaction, reveling in the nice pats, bright sunshine, and flowers.

"Shall I accompany you to the kitten-friendly zones?" Stein's partially hooded eyes curved delicately, as he quirked a brow at Mycah suggestively. Since Croissant couldn't be left home alone, they had brought the kitten along. The little pastry had yet to view this place, as he had only been adopted about 7 months ago.

A lot of research was done to ensure there would be no chances of flower poisoning, if the cat accidentally ingested things he shouldn't. Therefore, Mycah had to take extra cautionary steps in which areas he could wander.

The sunflowers and lavenders, for instance, were relatively safe for Croissant to be around. Other areas however, not so much. This meant that Mycah could not accompany his boyfriends all the time, like he used to. Out of consideration for that, Stein wanted to stay with him.

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