[Chapter 31]: Impertinent Inquisition

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Closing the front door softly, Kallie slipped his shoes off and trudged towards the stairs. He had just gotten back from his meet with Charlie, beads of sweat lining his forehead while his face flushed a healthy rose color. He clamped onto his cardigan tightly despite feeling rather warm, using it to cover his exposed neck and the marks that littered it.

He safely made it to his bedroom, thankfully having not seen any of the other guys on his way. He immediately went to shower, washing away the sweat and other fluids on his body. He had been rather anxious to come back home, foregoing the shower opportunity that Charlie had offered him in the hotel room. Kallie was sure the other wanted to join him and frankly, he didn't believe he could've handled that, hence why he left...

Kallie shifted through his closet for any suitable top to hide the love bites around his collarbone, eventually finding his sleeveless knit turtleneck. He'd usually wear it over a white dress shirt but was dissuaded by the hot weather and casually threw it on as is. It felt airy, with the two slits on its sides revealing his waist. Nonetheless, he sighed in relief as its high neck perfectly concealed the hickeys on Kallie's neck.

He checked the clock hanging on the wall above his desk and rushed out of the room once he saw that it was nearing dinner time. Just as he thought, he arrived at the kitchen to the sight of everyone besides himself already seated around the dining table.

"Kallie? I didn't know you were home already." Trevor spoke up from his spot at the table, beside a reading Stein. Seeing where the brunette was sitting, Kallie immediately noticed how the seating arrangements were somewhat unusual.

"Uh yeah, I'm sorry. I came back later than I thought." Kallie drawled, slowly walking to one of the three remaining chairs around the table. Two of them were not set, leaving only one for Kallie to choose. It happened to be between a rather jolly Mycah and uncharacteristically quiet Rowan. Neither usually sat on this particular side of the table, most especially not Rowan who happened to be right at the end, where Kallie almost always sat.

Settling down in the chair, he confusedly eyed the ravenette on his right. Had their bond over ice cream really caused that much of a change in Rowan's attitude? He was even willing to sit beside the blonde now, though he was avoiding his gaze. Kallie was skeptical but he couldn't put words to his thoughts, as a warm palm on his shoulder shifted his attention to the left.

"Here, today we're having cilantro lime chicken. I also helped Trevor make some dessert for later." Mycah smiled enthusiastically, looking almost proud of his words. He reached for the large dish in the middle of the table, plating out a whole piece of chicken cooked to perfection and covered in a creamy sauce. On the side, he placed a bowl of rice. "Eat up!"

Kallie thanked him, puzzled by the overeagerness. But the delicious-looking meal in front of him quickly stole his focus and he dug in, unaware of a few other occupants of the table following in his steps right after, as if they had been waiting for him to start eating first.

Beside him, a small huff left Rowan's lips before the man shoved a spoonful of rice in his mouth. Kallie warily glanced at the other, wondering if he'd make a fuss about something or other purely out of spite. It never came though, as Rowan only continued eating his dinner.

"Babe, what's wrong?" A casual, cheery voice across from them suddenly cut through the air, making a few people freeze. The question was followed by a yelp of surprise all too quickly, drawing Kallie's eyes. He stared wide-eyed at a whimpering Nathaniel exaggeratedly rubbing at his waist, looking accountably at Trevor who was staring at him pointedly.

"Geez, I don't care what he thinks anymore because he's a meanie!" Nathaniel whined, not forgetting how Kallie had yelled at him that day in the other's room when he had simply asked a question. He decidedly chose to invite those who were really in the wrong at that time. Looking back at Rowan, he repeated his earlier words in a demanding tone. "Now tell me what's wrong."

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