[Chapter 2]: Up & Down

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"Are you sure? We don't mind bringing them up for you, we'd really prefer to

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"Are you sure? We don't mind bringing them up for you, we'd really prefer to. We haven't nearly done as much work as we've been paid for."

The movers were still hesitant to leave even after Kallie assured them that they could go. He only had some boxes brought over, so he had directed for them to be left on the floor by the foot of the stairs. But then they insisted on helping move the things directly to his room.

"Come on, please just accept it and go! It's not like I have any furniture, they're just boxes." Kallie had tipped them a very reasonable sum in compensation for their efficient efforts. He didn't mind spending his savings when it was called for. He could see they were skeptical though, not so much about the bonus but about his ability to move the boxes on his own.

Kallie wasn't a very big guy, and though he was considered on the lean side, it wasn't obvious with the baggy clothes he wore. Nonetheless, they left after a while and thanked him for the generous payment.

During this whole ordeal, Kallie hadn't seen even one head poke through the archway in curiosity, or otherwise. They seemed to be ignoring his existence entirely. Even the movers had shown more consideration. It looked like he'd have to help himself and move the boxes to his room. They were quite heavy, maybe he should've accepted some help......

But this could be a good thing because he needed to learn to rely on himself. Kallie had always been too reliant on others, but this can change that. The others didn't seem to want to offer help, and he'd be forced to do things himself. Though he wouldn't and doesn't like the treatment, it undoubtedly made things easier.

"Alright, let's start with the clothes." With that, Kallie hauled most of the boxes up to the front of his bedroom. That only left the giant suitcase he had previously dragged along with him. This specific baggage held some very special things. Kallie didn't trust anyone besides himself to keep it in check.

He carefully opened it to examine the objects, afraid they might have been damaged on the way here. Seeing the two boxes pristinely sealed, not even a fraction of the contents displayed, Kallie heaved a sigh of relief.

One box was colored black with pink details, its lid tied in place by a ribbon. The abbreviation 'ST' was inscribed on it, standing for something only Kallie would know. The other was a regular cardboard box, with 'YB' scrawled over a piece of tape stuck to it. They looked relatively as when they were first packed up, so Kallie could see that all was fine.

Kallie set the two packages aside quickly so he could carry the now empty suitcase upstairs. It would've been too heavy if they were still in the carrier. He rushed back downstairs, afraid the boxes might disappear if he didn't keep an eye on them. The objects inside were things nobody should find, after all, he couldn't risk losing them.

Stacking the boxes on top of each other, Kallie was ready to take them to his room. He needed to get these situated somewhere hidden in plain sight. With his view slightly blocked, he climbed the stairs slowly. But before he reached the top, his foot missed a step entirely. 

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