[Chapter 4]: The First Meal (1)

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Kallie took off his shirt, carefully so as to not spook the kitten. Croissant still hung on, even when the piece of cloth was swirled into a ball just for him. Set on the delicate lap, he continued sniffing the catnip-soaked shirt until a rustling sound overhead alerted him.

Kallie had brought out the squeeze-up treat from his pocket. He opened it up and waved it in front of the kitten. "Come on, wouldn't you rather have this delicious snack?"

The little tiger's cute pink button nose twitched, smelling the tasty treat. It faintly recognized the snack as something his owner gave him on occasion. He got it only when he was a good boy after coming back from the vet's office for a checkup. His favorite treat, he immediately started licking it up. It was way better than the catnip, which he honestly wasn't affected much by, as a kitten.

The dark-haired male was brought back to reality after seeing the red packet of his cat's favorite treat. The blonde even had that, it was a surprising coincidence. He was treating Croissant so well right from their first meeting. No one in the house had done that before. Not even Cedric, who loved animals.

Even though this guy came out of nowhere and ruined their peaceful home, the blue-eyed male couldn't help but find him a bit interesting. There was no way he could let the others know that though. They still hated the boy for prying his way into their home, when they were perfectly fine before he came.

"Guys, dinners ready! Come eat." Trevor came out of the kitchen to call for dinner. His face was slightly flushed, Kallie assumed from the heat of cooking. The pink apron had come off, showing a very thin black shirt that fit snugly on the giant's muscular chest, outlining toned abs.

Any normal gay man would've been affected by the sight, but not Kallie. He wasn't that crass to be affected by looks so easily. Besides, he was a bit used to it, having lived with an extremely handsome and almost literal definition of 'sex on legs' in the past. He turned his attention back to the orange kitten, instantly smiling at how cute it looked licking his cat treat-covered fingers.

When Trevor walked out to the living room, he wasn't expecting to see a half-naked, blonde angel sitting on a stool while playing with a kitten. The pale chest had two small rose buds and a pair of little paws against it. It was really a dazzling sight. Two cute things together.

He had to stop for a moment when he felt the angel's gaze on him though. A pair of eyes as bright as the sky, one of them surrounded by a ring of black, looked him up and down. They were even slightly watery and red as if he had cried.

Trevor didn't understand why it made him feel a little tingly instead of annoyed. He usually didn't like people checking him out unless it was the boys of the house. Well, technically this boy would be living at the house too, but he didn't count. He shouldn't, at least.

He watched as the boy turned his attention away, with no emotion on his face until he stared down at his lap. That slightly irritated Trevor. There was no way that he didn't react to him, how could he just turn away indifferently from him but smile at some cat?

Don't get him wrong, Trevor loved everything about little Croissant, especially his sexy owner. But he was not liking the creature all that much at this moment and he couldn't even say why. Speaking of the kitten's owner, Trevor turned his head to observe Mycah.

He was a bit shocked to find the dark-haired male staring at the angel too. Even more to suddenly realized that Croissant was in the latter's lap and Mycah hadn't done anything about it yet.

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