[Chapter 7]: "That's a no from me, honey."

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Kallie stood there, damp towel in hand with all his injuries and past scars on display. Stray water droplets were rolling down every nook of his cream-colored body. The room was a cozy sort of warm, with the thermostat set at room temperature. Kallie would've put off wearing his clothes for a while longer, had there not been a certain circumstance before him eyeing his body at the moment.

Though he had ineffectively tried to hide it, the sight in front of Mycah was affecting him quite strangely. He cleared his throat, eyes calmly moving up and down the wet body before him. Down there, it was.....it was pink down there.

It was so enticing, he might've approached right then and touched it to his liking had his hands not been full. But he knew that wouldn't be a sensible thing to do. Nevertheless, his eyes lingered for what seemed like an eternity before Kallie finally realized to cover himself.

"You almost made me drop my Croissant...."

A burst of laughter rang out in the room after Mycah said that sentence. Kallie had never expected such a perfect moment to quote the classic line. It was almost as if the author gave the kitten this name just so this scene could happen. But of course, the author would never admit to that because that wasn't the reason, wink wink~

"I-i'm sorry, I d-didn't expect- I'll leave right away...." Mycah stammered out, something that he honestly didn't remember himself ever doing. He had been about to walk back out the door when Croissant jumped out of his arms and sat before Kallie.

"Croissant not now, please. He's busy!" Mycah twisted around again to call out his kitten, as he covered his vision with a hand. He didn't want to blindly reach around the room, so he stood in place while holding his arms out.

"Oh, it's okay. Just wait here. I'll go change in the bathroom." Kallie smiled, hoping to save Mycah from more work. This man was always so funny. Naming his cat after a pastry and then quotes vines using the said name. It was silly and refreshing all at once, thus he didn't want to change that by troubling the man.

When Mycah slightly peeked through his fingers, Kallie had already entered the bathroom. He was left to stare at his kitten sitting inside an empty cardboard box in the half-organized room.

He sighed in relief, thankful for the weird situation ending, though it wasn't any less awkward being alone inside some person's bedroom. He looked around the purple-painted room, noticing right away the desk across from him. It was in the right corner of the room, placed before a small wall between the large windows and the bathroom door.

What does he do with all those cameras?  Mycah wondered when he saw the devices. He wasn't one to snoop but he was too curious, and maybe slightly suspicious. The cameras might be to film the house members or even spy on them, who knows? It was a big assumption, but he would definitely find out if that were the case.

Quickly approaching the desk after making sure Kallie was still in the bathroom, he examined all the cameras. They didn't look like security cameras to be installed into walls and the like. They looked more like they were for filming. That idea was made more obvious when he saw countless tripods with them. What exactly do they film, though?

Then, he noticed a box. It was somewhat hidden underneath the open space of the desk's bottom. It looked pretty battered, the flaps crinkles and slightly opened. He bent down to quickly check the insides.

"Oh..." Mycah hadn't expected such things to be inside the harmless-looking box. It was filled to the brim with odd things, and right at the top of the pile was.......a giant purple dildo.

Well, compared to Trevor's, and maybe his own, the thing wasn't all that big. But it was no exaggeration to say that it was larger than normal sex toys of its type. It made for quite the display with some other sexual stimulants below it. Mycah could identify one of them by the name on the bottle decorated with flaming cherries, which called it an edible and warming 'poppin' cherry' flavored lubricant.

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