[Chapter 11]: Operation 'Make It Mine'

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"Hey." Kallie greeted a certain bookworm that was in the process of inhaling some published knowledge. He was presently in the library, searching for anything interesting to pass his time. Since he had streamed once this week already, he wouldn't do it for a few more days. That left him ample time to look around the house.

The giant library was very cozy, filled with soft rugs and beanbag chairs, even over a fluffy carpet. Kallie loved the feeling of padding over the warm floor, as the temperature was regulated, while bright sunlight shone through the windows.

"Hello." Stein simply replied, surprisingly looking up at the blonde who was busy browsing the wooden shelves with his back turned. He couldn't remember the last time someone besides himself came into this room.

"Do you mind if I borrow a book from here?" Kallie asked, not stopping as he sifted through a variety of books. He had already gotten permission from Trevor, but it seemed the actual owner of this room was Stein. Naturally, he should ask the person who really had a say.

"No, go ahead." The man in question answered, staring at Kallie as he cutely tippy-toed while reaching for a novel on a relatively high shelf.

"Thanks!" Kallie looked back after retrieving the mystery novel into his hands. He gave Stein a charming little smile before he continued reading the book's synopsis with a soft hum of contemplation. "Hmm.."

"Is there anything in particular that you're looking for?" Stein wanted to help the blonde, as the other was the only one to show such interest in his books. Otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed Kallie to touch anything in the first place. If maybe his lovers had shown more interest and wanted to actually read his books from the beginning, then it would have been another story.

"Not really, no. I'd be fine with any one of these. They all seem interesting, I'm just having a hard time choosing." It was true that the books seemed interesting just from their covers, but even the little blurbs had him hooked. He had no idea which one to start with.

"Say, would you happen to have any books of your own?" Stein wondered, so he casually asked the other. He really needed something new to read, maybe this guy had just what he was looking for.

"Yeah, I've got a good few." Kallie admitted, slightly not liking where this was going. Assuming that the other wouldn't have known about them before, he had no desire to reveal the type of books he read.

"How about I recommend you something in exchange for letting me read your books?" Stain suggested, eyes glittering from excitement. He was looking forward to it and he didn't even know if the books would be his type. But you never know it's good unless you try it, and he didn't believe the blonde would reject him.

His belief was proven right when Kallie agreed to his idea, although rather hesitantly. "Alright, but how about you see them first? You don't have to recommend anything yet, by the way."

Kallie didn't want the other agreeing to do something that they might not enjoy later, so he proposed this first. Stein quickly agreed, sure that he'd like whatever he was about to see, and both blondes momentarily found themselves heading upstairs.

As that went down, it just so happened that a certain someone was about to do something naughty upstairs. He was surely to get in trouble if he got caught, but he wasn't worried about that just yet.

Twenty minutes ago, Nathaniel had been camping by his bedroom door, listening for another specific door to open. He'd been earnestly preparing for the last few days, observing his victim's daily routine and waiting for the right time to strike.

As soon as he heard the soft rattling of a door opening and closing, followed by lightly treading feet, he sprung into action. Creaking his bedroom door open a fraction, he peeked out into the hallway. He caught sight of Kallie's back as the latter reached the staircase, beginning to descend.

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