#Notice: Sincere Gratitude To You All, Dear Readers

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Dammit guys....








I'm shook. ⋋| ◉ ͟ʖ ◉ |⋌
Real shook.
And happy, so happy....

I'm rushing to finish the next chap for you guys, I hope it's worthy enough to satisfy you, m'lords. *bows in gratitude*

I wanna do more for you guys and thought about what to do. But it's still my last week of school and I've got tons of work....

So after about a week or so, I'll likely be picking up on updates. While I'm at it, I'll take some time to ask you guys this:
Should I speed up the story?

I feel like I'm dragging things on a bit and we haven't even reached the climax yet. I've already got a bunch of ideas drafted for future chapters but they're more like fillers to add depth to the characters and their pasts.

If I were to make each and every idea into its own chapter, this book would have 50+ chapters whole......
And that's not even including of the key parts of the story that I haven't drafted yet!

Please let me know what you guys would like. I probably won't shorten it though. Maybe I'll make a second book? Would you guys like that? Though I've already got a colossal amount of other books I could finish instead....


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