[Chapter 34]: Green Eggs and Sam, by Dr. Johann

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Er, well not really since I was gonna update this month anyways but I'm sure you guys weren't expecting it now.(_;)

I was actually gonna post last week but then I also wanted this to be a super long chapter to make up for missing a month and I wasn't done yet...

I'm just glad it's finished in time now tho, despite it being unedited. (ーー;)

Please kindly enjoy.


Kallie's plan of an early slumber wasn't as concrete as he'd once thought when first arriving back home.

In fact, he was quite sleepless with all the tossing and turning he'd done. Not to mention, merely an hour after his head hit the pillow, his cell phone began blaring at full sound, essentially dissuading him from further continuing to rest.

He reached for the phone sitting atop the nightstand beside his head, blanket sliding down his bare shoulders. A quick glance at the caller ID showed that his dear Honey senpai, likely at home now judging by the time, was face-timing him.

"Hey-" As soon as he picked up, Johann's fair face filled his screen, blue eyes cheerily greeting him up until the point the other had registered his appearance, a pair of bare shoulders and bloodshot eyes. "Are you naked right now? And in bed? Kallie, it's only 8:30 isn't it?"

"Maybe," Kallie stated in response, rubbing at his listless eyes in hopes of enlivening them. Prompted by the challenging look his friend give him, he sighed deeply while answering in an almost snarky tone. "Fine. Yeah, I am in bed really early but no, I'm not naked. If you must know, I'm just wearing underpants. Do I even need to show you that?"

"Today was quite tiring, I assume?" Johann grew concerned at his appearance, knowing well that the other usually didn't bother to wear clothes when he was too tired. Never mind the sass he had just shown, which Johann chose to ignore out of goodwill and slight embarrassment.

Kallie was almost never crabby with him, as Johann couldn't tolerate an attitude of any sort, the only exception being if the former were in an immensely irritable mood, which was quite apparent at the moment.

"Yes actually. It's just that a lot has happened since I last saw you." Kallie heaved dramatically, finally letting out his frustrations in front of his closest friend. Nonetheless, there was only so much one could do over the phone. He would've much preferred seeing the other in person.

"Then why don't you come see me tomorrow? I can try to get off a little earlier in the evening." As if reading Kallie's mind, Johann suggested exactly what the former wanted. There wasn't anything to complain about, after all, since he himself would love to see the other again as well. Contrary to his expectations though, Kallie answered his motion unexpectedly.

"I don't think I can." As much as Kallie hated refusing the offer, he was afraid. In fact, he was terrified of leaving the house any time soon. The sole reason for that being the chance of Fallon and Dimitri still roaming the streets, searching for him. He just didn't want to risk it.

"Alright, it's okay if you're busy, you can always just call me." Johann tried to relieve the other after sensing his unease, believing it was from his turndown of visiting. But Kallie simply shook his head feebly.

"No, see that's not why.....It's just that um, no what happened was- ahh, I don't even know how it turned out this way!" Kallie fell woefully upon himself, curling inward as he hugged his knees.

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