[Chapter 10]: Undeclared Confrére

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It was now lunch time and everyone had gathered at the kitchen table, digging into some delicious chicken enchiladas. Well, at least Kallie found them delicious, everyone else was quite obviously picking at their food but eating it nonetheless.

"So Kallie, it's already been a while since you first came. Are you finally settled?" Trevor decided to start some conversation in the awkward silence. As his usual talks with his boyfriends were quite inappropriate to have in from of the blonde, he decide to just start with him.

"Oh, yeah I've finally got everything unpacked." Kallie replied quite enthusiastically, the food was really too good. He had just stuffed a big chunk into his mouth, causing his answer to come out a bit warbled. Trevor, who could still make out the words, was happy at the sight but he decide not to say anything more.

"I have something to say. I can't hold it in anymore." Someone suddenly announced, the flat voice coming from somewhere on Kallie's left. He realized soon enough that it was Cedric that had spoken, hazel eyes traveling back and forth across the table.

"Go ahead Cedric, what is it?" Trevor indicated for the man to continue, as he ate a spoonful of yellow rice. He made sure that everyone had their sights on the speaker, even Kallie, as the green-haired male began to speak.

"I saw him masturbating in front of his computer." Cedric declared rather blatantly as he pointed straight at a certain blonde two seats away from him. His statement caused more than one person to drop the utensils in their hands.

"Ahahahah, so we know he's definitely single now." Nathaniel processed that outburst rather quickly, as he was used to the quick-spoken words that came from Cedric's mouth most times. After all, he was the one to spend the most time with the other, so it was given that he be able to handle anything that may be said by the shorter male. Even if it happened to be ridiculously funny. So, he failed to realize his words, too focused on the sayings of his boyfriend.

"Wha-" Though his eyes had undoubtedly been on Cedric, Kallie still didn't think he heard that right. He had just chugged a glass of water and luckily, he drank it all before it could be spit out in surprise. There was no doubt that Gavin, who had unhappily sat across from him, would get angry had he done it.

"Mycah, your cat was there too." Cedric continued, not hiding anything he saw in the blonde's bedroom when he happened to walk by it earlier today. He had thought about keeping it to himself but he was never one to lie. Especially not to his boyfriends, over someone he didn't know for long.

"Oh my gosh, you didn't!" Someone else gasped loudly, expressing an accusing tone, implying who knows what. Mycah jumped back in his chair, staring at Kallie with wide, disbelieving eyes. His kitten was involved in whatever the heck Cedric just mentioned?!

"I didn't, I really didn't! He came in himself. This is why I asked for a lock, you know?" Kallie strongly asserted, shaking his hands in a denying gesture. His last sentence was directed towards a certain towering homeowner. He didn't even bother to oppose Cedric's previous words, as he had really done what the other said, though he had no idea how he'd been found out.

"I already said no locks. Next time just inform us when you want private time." Trevor chimed in, after hearing his words. He was hoping not to mention locks while in front of the others, but it didn't matter now since someone else already did.

"T-that's none of your business, why should I have to tell you?! Besides, that wasn't private time. I was in the middle of something important...." He had yet to tell anyone in the house what kind of job he had. For one, they barely knew each other and second, his identity was supposed to be a secret. That was the whole point of the pen name and mask he used.

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