[Chapter 23]: Fiddlesticks

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Alternative title: Nickels and Dimes

"Guys, dinner's ready!" A light voice called out and seconds later, Trevor surfaced from the kitchen wearing his pink apron. He searched around the spacious living room, eyes landing on the strawberry blonde sitting beside Kallie on his loveseat.

The man's bright cerulean eyes were directed at his child, who was currently on Kallie's lap. A certain orange tabby was there as well, rubbing into the child's side affectionately. He didn't think such a young one would actually be able to handle the feline but June proved him wrong.

Trevor glanced towards the owner of the kitten, finding Mycah to be slumped on the couch nearby, with a frown gracing his lips. His lover made no move to get the kitten back though, despite his obvious displeasure towards the situation. Trevor guessed it had more to do with not wanting to upset the cute child than anything else.

He turned back towards the two best friends, relieved that Johann looked appeased now contrary to earlier. His first impressions went well, for the most part, and he was glad for that. He didn't want Johann to think this place was unsuitable, after all. Trevor spun around and headed back to the kitchen, feeling reposed.

Slowly, the others began to stand and stretch from their uneventful 30-minute wait, heading for the kitchen after the giant. Kallie rose up, placed the kitten onto the ground, and began leading Johann to the kitchen with June in his arms. Meanwhile, Samael continued his silent reflection as he followed behind the two.

Walking into the homely room, Johann was faced with a large table filled with plates of delicious-looking pan-seared steaks and mushrooms. He couldn't help widening his eyes in surprise, Trevor was a better cook than he imagined. He thought Kallie exaggerated when describing it to him during a phone call but he's glad it was all true. Steak was his favorite, after all, and such good steak needed appreciation.

Trevor motioned for the uncle and nephew duo to sit down. He had a rather apologetic expression. "I hope everything's up to par though since I did this all on short notice."

"Oh don't worry about it, everything looks delicious. Kallie was right when he praised your cooking." Taking a seat beside Kallie, Johann almost couldn't hold back his eagerness to devour the meal. He was unaware of the small flush of red that appeared on a certain brunette's cheeks, caused by his compliment.

"Besides, it's my fault for showing up so suddenly with an extra mouth to feed as well." He said as he turned to Samael with a pointed look. Then, he picked June up from Kallie's hold and settled her onto his lap instead.

Seeing such, Trevor immediately realized something. He began to express regret for not considering this situation sooner. "A baby seat! I'm very sorry, I can't believe I forgot to get a baby seat..."

"That's alright, I don't expect you to randomly have it when you don't even have a baby living here." Johann chuckled, patting his daughter's head softly. June cooed at her father, delighted by the gentle touches. "I could feed her this way anyways."

"Right, um, here's her dinner. I hope it's okay." Trevor retrieved a white bowl filled with small cubes of beef and mushrooms, like a miniature version of their own meals. After seeing Johann give a nod of approval, his slightly stiff shoulders released their tension and he finally sat down with ease on Kallie's left.

At this moment, everyone was seated peacefully eating at the dining table. Johann sat with his nephew beside him on one end, while the rest of the guys generally sat at the opposite end of the long table. June lay in Johann's lap, peacefully teething on a slice of mushroom.

"Oh right, Johann, you never told me why your nephew came along." Suddenly, Kallie remarked as he turned to his right while chewing on a piece of steak. The fork in his hand hovered over his moist lips, drawing a rather hot gaze in front of him towards it. Of course, almost everyone's attention was on Johann at the moment, hence no one noticed.

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