[Chapter 50]: 'Loving' Him (Special POV cont.)

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(Present Time aka the same Friday morning as chap 48)

"Mhmm, it's hard." An arid, breathless murmur echoed through a posh room. The words were choppy, incomplete, and unbearably weak. Yet they continued begging with all their strength, exclaiming with a rush of disparity. "Y-you're...ughh going t, too fast!"

"Now, that's no way to take it, love. You should be asking for more~" An equally erotic and raspy voice answered rather imposingly. The staticky quality of the audio could be attributed to the inopportune position of the laptop it'd been emitting from, partially buried under an untidy blanket.

Umber eyes somewhat dulled with emotion, Jackson pulled the wireless headphones from his ears and tossed them onto the nightstand nearby. He hadn't even bothered connecting them to his laptop, given he was alone in his suite. He'd be damned if there was no soundproofing though, so he opted for watching the raunchy videos under his sheets.

Nevertheless, desperately lewd moans echoed throughout the sizable hotel room that Jackson had booked. He'd wholly lost himself in the images flashing across the screen, playing out from real-time footage.

Elegant hands slid intently across an ever-familiar stomach, caressing a certain cluster of faint scars. The lewdly joined bodies of Charlie and Kallie gave off an inquisitive air. Their touches seemed probing, testing each other's limits not at all gently as one may believe but rather aiming to see how far they could go before one of them burst apart.

Jackson watched grimly as Kallie lost himself in ecstasy at the hands of another, the green tie wrapped over his eyes unable to hide how excited he was. Well, one look at his lower half was enough for that, though reading the amassed chat messages bordering the screen had also kept Jackson informed.

- ( ᗒᗨᗕ ) Kyahhhhhh!! Our angel has become devilish today! So sexy, ooh la la~ [Faux_yAngel]

- Our Siren is def making him go crazy for that (!) ԅ(ԅ) and I'm here for it [UnicHorny69]

- 500 Runes gifted by [UnicHorny69]

- (()) Hmm, hasn't Charlie been kinda unhinged today? [Multi_Fan.Dom]

- Rightt and that mask change outta nowhere has me on the edge of my seat!! [Ben_dover15]

Charlie's live stream audience consisted mainly of his fans and a considerable portion of Kallie's loyal followers, the latter of which had willingly succumbed to the three+ hours of activity occurring between the two highest-ranked Bewitch streamers. Even after Siren's livestream ended, they'd ruefully awaited Charlie's side of the collab hoping to burn more of the lusty delight into their memories. Once the second part initiated, they'd blown off all their accumulated steam in the chat, donating Runes galore.

A majority of the comments raved over the savageness displayed by the usually demure Charlie, though he'd calmed a wee fraction now that he was on his home turf. Contrasting with Kallie's unwinding and actively experimental content, the posts on Charlie Cortez's homepage gave the vibes of a somewhat reserved performer or a gentle professional. Such opposing takes on adult videos were mixed rather well during the two-part collaboration.

Yet, Jackson only saw them as two puzzle pieces. Though they matched on one side, overall they appeared misshapen as they were originally from different sets. To put it plainly, they visually clashed in their connection. Even as they coincidentally fit, he wished desperately to tear them apart and put them in their rightful places beside the pieces they were meant to be with.

Steely closing his laptop, Jackson couldn't bear a surge of emotions welling in his chest. Bitterness, jealousy, regret, and most of all anger. He clenched his fists until they turned frighteningly pale, the sheets beneath him nearly tearing from the force. But as soon as he'd done so, he released them with a shaky exhale.

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