[Chapter 30]: Full Disclosure

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"Wow." Kallie heard the male before him utter, blue-grey eyes staring at him blankly. It had only been a minute since he first sat down and unmasked himself, figuratively that is. He gave Charlie a questioning look, wondering if it was such a surprise that he had to go quiet for that long.

"You're much more, um, what's the word?" Charlie murmured, staring at Kallie carefully. He noticed the other's confused gaze and finally decided to answer but it was hard trying to find a word that best explained how Kallie looked to him.

"Haha, I guess I'm not what you expected?" Kallie laughed apprehensively, wondering if all his effort to look approachable had been for naught and instead he looked unfriendly.

Charlie didn't seem to sense his nervousness, or maybe he chose to ignore it, as he straightforwardly declared this with a smile, making Kallie blush. "Well no, I didn't think you'd be so sexy in real life."

"Oh, t-thanks." Kallie stammered, astonished that his favorite Bewitch streamer had given him such a compliment? He hurriedly took a sip from his cappuccino, which Charlie had insisted on buying for him earlier. He tried praising the other back, forming an almost incoherent sentence that barely managed to make sense. "And y-you're just as a-attractive as I imagined...like I can't h,help going...w-wow?"

"Why, thank you. I'm not called angel for nothing." Charlie's lips curled at the end, looking slightly amused at the words. But Kallie could find another, somewhat unreadable emotion in his eyes. He didn't attempt to decipher it, too caught up in calming down his tongue tied self.

Charlie shifted the topic, thankfully moving the conversation along, as Kallie would no doubt have just kept blabbering out compliments for the other. "Anyways, you got here earlier than I expected. You weren't kidding when you said you lived close by, huh?"

"Uh yeah, it was like a five minute walk here." Kallie replied awkwardly, fiddling his thumbs. Charlie seemed to brighten at his words, anticipation on his face. He leaned forward, his chest pushed against the table's edge, which accentuated his fair collarbone that peeked out of his oversized v-neck. Flustered by the sight, Kallie averted his gaze to stare at the foam atop his cup.

"So, Kallie." Charlie called for attention, fingers thrumming the table absentmindedly. Kallie signaled for the man to continue, unaware that Charlie would've spoken whether the blonde listened or not. This wasn't his main objective, after all, so it didn't matter to him if Kallie payed no attention to it.

"I'm only visiting my friend here for a few months, but I've been to this area a couple times before." Charlie began while glancing at the other, who hummed in reaction. "I think the neighborhood is pretty great and I'm considering moving here."

He delicately sipped at his expresso, both elbows rested on the table. His ever-curved eyes focused on Kallie, peering over the cup almost innocently. The long sleeves of his sweater swept past his fingers, wrapping around the hot cup. "Would you know any vacant places nearby that I could look at? You know, since you've probably checked some out before moving here."

Kallie visibly gulped. His cappuccino, that is. He'd been holding it in his mouth for a while now, too focused on moving his ever straying gaze away from the other's exposed neck. It took a while before he finally responded to the question thrown his way. "I'm sorry, I don't think I'll be very helpful with that..."

Charlie blanked, letting out a soft 'oh' in disappointment. Kallie's eyes widened, as he almost frantically tried to explain his rejection. "My best friend found the place for me so I never actually looked around. He kind of arranged it all for me."

"Well then, could this friend of yours hook me up too?" Charlie didn't let the momentary disappointment get to him as he continued on his inquiry. "If you live there, I'm sure the place must be great."

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