[Chapter 8]: The Siren

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It had been a week since that first day and Kallie was finally starting work again. He had previously posted another announcement on his stream board, saying how he could not start a new live stream for another week. His fans were disappointed but they understood once he posted a few pictures along with his messages.

Now, his ankle was healed up and most of his bruises had yellowed. Even his black eye was almost better. He had taken care to rest incessantly, not leaving his room whatsoever. That was not a problem for him or the others, as most of them seemed to be ignoring him more intensely than the first time. Even Trevor just barely says hello.

Croissant, however, visited him ruthlessly, scratching at his door every morning after breakfast. The kitten was truly a joy to play with, he liked to cuddle at the best times and give kisses when they were needed. Kallie definitely needed both of those to endure this week of loneliness.

Johann has been busy the whole week, so he hadn't visited Kallie's new home yet. Due to his injuries, he couldn't even go see little June. But a little birdie told him that she was having fun with her cousin anyways. It was like no one had time for him.

But now that he could stream again, that would be fixed. After all, his viewers needed him. Kallie had come up from the kitchen not long ago, having had a fresh banana for breakfast, and it was strange. While he had been eating, he'd felt a pair of eyes on him the entire time.

Kallie had basically swallowed the banana whole, trying to get out of the dark-haired male's sight. Luckily, he had experience in swa- haha, in eating bananas expertly...

That heated gaze had bothered him but he ignored it, as the person looking at him so intensely usually did so too. Even though this man was so nice that time when he brought Croissant to his room. That pleasant 'I'll see you around' was said and yet, Mycah was acting as if it had never happened in the first place.

Kallie assumed it was because of the kitten getting close to him so quickly. But whatever, as long as Croissant was still around. Cats were the only company he really needed, though Johann was also much appreciated.

The clock hit 10am as Kallie came out of the bathroom, blonde hair still damp from his bath. He was wearing a pretty outfit that he bought recently. The off-shoulder shirt displayed his fair collarbone, rosy from the bath, and the waist was cinched in the middle, accentuating the slight curve of his hips. Underneath was a pair of white cotton shorts that barely peeked from under the dress-like shirt.

It was a very feminine look compared to Kallie's normal clothes but because he loved it so much, he only wore them sparingly. Kallie had always been one to save the best for last and in this case, preserve it for as long as possible. This applied to all his 'formal' clothes, as they were gifts from special people.

There was no chance of getting more clothes like that now though because there was no Dimitri to gift them to him. And there was no Fallon to compliment him when he tried them on. Kallie didn't have the confidence to go out and buy more on his own. Besides, he had no idea if anything he picked would look good on him.

So all he could do is try and keep the ones that the couple had gifted him as new as possible. His current clothes were things he bought himself though, so he didn't mind wearing them for his stream. His fans would like it too, as they had previously enjoyed it when he wore them.

Kallie sat at his desk, computer opened up on the streaming platform he used. Bewitch was the number one most trusted platform for adult streams. Kallie had been using it since he first started his channel because it did its utmost in protecting its users' privacy.

Even when his channel had magically blown up and gained a whole flock of fans, including a few sketchy ones, there was no trouble at all. As a then newbie, he could freely go live without worrying about potential stalkers finding his home address and all that jazz.

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