[Chapter 43]: Unbased Reunion

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*A few minutes prior to the special events of last chapter*

Accompanying Cedric and Nathaniel, Kallie found himself in a waiting room of sorts, a few doors down the hall from Gavin's office. There were sleek, black couches and chairs scattered around the room, with a table full of bottled refreshments in the center. The blonde had barely settled into a vacant seat, when an audible grumble emitted from his stomach.

"Ah. I forgot to have breakfast before leaving..." Kallie donned a sheepish look as he blinked embarrassedly. He recalled simply rushing along with the others, never having eaten anything in the morning. At least the water from Trevor's bottle sat in his stomach, keeping him hydrated.

"Candy?" Cedric leaned towards the other, a noticeable swell in his cheek as he suckled the strawberry sweet. He was suggesting Kallie have some candy to appease the hunger, as it proved quite delectable and he wanted to share in that taste.

"That was my last piece." Kallie merely shook his head though, softly poking the protruding spot while the candy rolled in Cedric's mouth. Patting his pockets just in case, he found nothing. He was ready to withstand the pangs of hunger, when he suddenly noticed a big black block nearby that had him jumping out of his seat.

After tentatively approaching the vending machine, Kallie pulled out the few dollars he had stashed in his pants. He surveyed the options, only finding those healthy alternative snacks that looked quite uninteresting, in his opinion. Nevertheless, he made the choice to buy an almond granola bar, which he knew to be good, and some veggie crisps.

From behind, Cedric loomed over the blonde with his one inch advantage in height. He rested his arms over Kallie's shoulders, intently scanning the snacks. Kallie inwardly lamented over how touchy even the quietest of his housemates was, though he had technically initiated contact with the other first.

"This one, it's tasty." The green-haired male placed a finger on the machine's glass, ever so slightly tilting his head against Kallie's. The latter contemplated his life choices, staring at the crumbled five dollar bill in his hand before he made a decision. With a few clicks of the keypad's buttons, he entered the alphanumerical identifier for the small pack of caramel rice cakes.

Cedric's light-toned lashes quivered at the blonde's action, gaze raptly following the packaged snack as Kallie fished it out from behind the pickup flap. Unexpectedly, the snack ended up going straight into his own palms, while Kallie sporadically peered at him. "Here."

"...for me?" Cedric spared alternating looks between it and the blonde, who had walked back to his seat after a hum of acknowledgement. Kallie grew shy from the query, wondering if he was too ambiguous with his deeds. Was it odd for him to suddenly buy the other a snack?

Indeed it was, as Cedric found himself deliberating over why Kallie had chosen his recommended snack, even having easily gifted it to him. He wouldn't have guessed just how effortlessly Kallie could understand his feelings. While absentmindedly walked back to the spot beside Nathaniel, he carefully tore open the package of rice crackers.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel had been silently reclined on the couch, olive eyes hidden behind closed lids as his brows furrowed. A soft touch upon his shoulder made him blink them open, Cedric's open stare settled on him inquiringly as the other brought the puffed rice snack to his attention. "Do you want some?"

"No thanks babe, I'm not hungry." Nathaniel snaked an arm around Cedric's shoulders, mushily smacking his lips against the other's cheek. Unlike his boyfriends, he paid no mind to Kallie's presence. The blonde conveniently stood facing away though, near a garbage bin in the corner, tossing away his granola bar wrapper as he chewed.

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