[Chapter 48]: Incautious Rout

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Buckle up, guys ('∀`*) This one a lil spicy~ once again, with Charlie tho ;-;
Time-wise, it's a whole week plus a day after the events of chapter 47. ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ) Imagine everyone's conveniently at work rn even tho last Friday, they had off lol.

(Friday morning)


It had been a wildly hectic two weeks since Kallie and Charlie first met at the BeanPole cafe. They were meeting nearly every day since, slowly probing for whether they fit well together. Not surprisingly, cough cough, they were finally ready for a joint live stream after confirming their compatibility.

With some serious deliberation and pleading on Charlie's part, Kallie decided to hold their first conjoined live stream in the Black manor, obviously within the confines of his bedroom. Thankfully, it was an early Friday morning. Most, if not all of his housemates, had gone to work. Even Trevor had a mysterious errand prompting him to leave the house until afternoon, which he usually wouldn't have.

The circumstances around the stream were all in Kallie's favor making this the best day it could be. He was rather calm as he carefully ushered the brunette upstairs and directly into his thoroughly cleaned room. It wasn't until Charlie scouted the area with curiosity, seeming to deliberate over something, that sweat lined his palms. "So um...welcome?"

"Quite a nice place." Charlie passively commented, taking in every detail of the place that he could. One could never know if the items would help him achieve his goals. It was a shame he hadn't managed to see the rest of the house on his way up though, as surely there was more information to be drawn from it.

Kallie anxiously glanced over himself, making sure his attire was immaculate. A robe loosely draped from his shoulders to his feet, hiding bare skin underneath. He'd even answered the door in such a state, though it was embarrassing. Luckily, the manor sat far from the publicly accessible parts of the park and Charlie had driven his own car over. No one was outside to witness his glorious appearance aside from the man he wanted to impress.

The only thing that worried Kallie was the fact that Trevor knew he had a guest over. Surprisingly, the man hadn't inquired who it was that he'd brought in. He'd left Kallie to watch over the house and entertain the single guest. It seemed doable. Perhaps, his trust in Kallie had increased a lot.

Trim arms slipped around him right then, breaking him out of thought. Kallie peered up at misty gray eyes, excitement coursing through his veins. He leaned into the provocative touch, welcomed by a warm breath against his collar.

"Shall we begin then?" Charlie inhaled the fresh scent of roses emanating from Kallie's figure. Damp strings of blonde hair trickled over his forehead. He smirked into the warm-toned neck touched upon his lips, as Kallie's hummed in approval.

They moved toward the setup on Kallie's desk, the computer already displaying his Bewitch account. Charlie's gaze casually flickered over it before he plopped into the rolling desk chair and pulled Kallie onto his lap. The blonde straddled him perfectly, hips beginning to grind excruciatingly slow. "Calm down sweetheart, let's gather an audience first."

The soft chuckle that followed had Kallie unceremoniously slump against the brunette. He obediently remained still until steady hands pushed him off the chair and to the floor. His lust-filled blue eyes quickly honed onto a new target, as a noticeable tent entered his field of vision. "Can I take care of this at least?"

"By all means." Fingers threaded through his tousled locks, smoothing them down as a light force pulled Kallie's face forward. The blonde soon found himself mouthing along a taut cock, hot breath causing a damp spot to form over Charlie's boxers. Not that it wasn't wet enough, with how the appendage twitched in response to the pressure.

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