[Chapter 17]: Perpetual Incentives

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Kallie sat there for a good minute, finding the vibes comfortable. He liked this kind of mood while streaming, he strived for it, in fact. But today, even with his prior excitement, his mind was occupied. His gaze was unfocused, a nice scent wafting around him as he recalled the last time he took a bath like this.

He had laid back in a tub of hot, relaxing water, eyes closed as he relished the moment. At that time, he was thinking about the things he'd done that weekend. Hiking, sightseeing, and exploring all there was in the mountain resort he went to for a trip. Unconsciously, a smile made its way to his face as he gave a hum of fulfillment.

Suddenly, strong hands had clamped onto his shoulders, thoroughly spooking him. He yelped in surprise and slid into the water, as a deep laugh rang through the air behind him. He had flailed around as he sat back up in the tub, spitting out some water. He glared at the person behind him but with the contagious sound, he soon couldn't contain his own peals of laughter.

A larger, more compact body slid into the tub with him, holding his body in their arms. A head of milk-chocolate hair nestled in his neck, tickling the sensitive place. The owner of this head nibbled at his ears playfully, as he whispered in a tone of affection and utter warmth. "I'll always love you, I promise."

"You better, because I love you too." Is what he had said back, tone similar to the other's, as he twisted back to plant a loving kiss on the man behind him. Kallie couldn't have been happier that time, spending his day with the one he loved most.

It was quite ominous, now that he thought about it. Although it was a typical sentence to utter at such a moment, Kallie had found it a bit random. He had been washing with Jackson, relaxing on their 5th anniversary of the day they first started dating. Coincidentally, it was also when they first met, six years ago from then to be exact.

Earlier that day, they had returned to Jackson's house at the end of their trip. Well, back then it had been home to both of them. Not anymore of course. That was the last time he ever took a bath so relaxing. A lot had changed following that moment two years ago.

It wasn't too remarkable a day but nevertheless, it had been heartwarming. Shaking his head at the memories, Kallie broke out of his daze. Now was not the time to be thinking of such things. Slowly, he stood up and walked back to the camera.

He gently grabbed it, lifted the stand, and went back to the tub side. There, he carefully held it above the water and directed it to the window. Although it was his waterproof one, he still wouldn't feel good about wetting it. Next, he turned on the chat box on the small screen, mainly because a whole laptop wouldn't fit on the edge of the tub and that device happened to not be waterproof.

- Wow, that looks amazing. It's like a beautiful forest. [Fish.inna.tree7]

"I suppose it could be called that.." Kallie trailed off, enjoying the view just as much as his commentators. After a while, he finally remembered the point of today's stream. Kallie set the camera close in front of the tub, making sure the angle looked okay. Then, he slowly entered the tub, warm water enveloping him. "Ah, so nice."

He delicately lifted a leg, trailing a hand over it to completely cover the appendage with water. He repeated the action for the other side until both tight-covered legs were thoroughly soaked. Then, Kallie scooped some and let it trickle down his chest. "Mhm, it smells so good."

"I'm trying this rose-scented bath salt right now," Kallie explained, once the audience got a view of the rose petals and asked for details. He grabbed a glass jar he had on the sidelines and held it to the camera. "It's subtle so you can't smell it much but I quite like it that way."

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