[Chapter 38]: Flower's Eye, Rocco's Ply Part II

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As the colorful greenery swayed with the slight breeze, the afternoon sun perched low in the sky, gradually inching it's way closer to the horizon. Gazing upon such a transformative scenery was a pair of milk chocolate orbs, engrossed with the multitude of emotions brought by the interchanging night and day.

"That looks beautiful." A whisper of a voice cut into the moment, inevitably shifting Trevor's focus from the flowing pigments decorating his canvas. He set his brush down, the paint drowned tip smearing a cornflower blue upon his mini palette. He scrutinized the progressing portrait, finding the trailing wisps of inspiration reaching its peak at its yet-blank center.

Golden beams shown upon speckles of lavender and chartreuse, though there was much space left in-between for something Trevor had yet to envision. After tearing his gaze away, Trevor smiled at the green haired male who had entered his field of view. "Thank you, darling. How did the pictures turn out?"

"Very good, but I want to take some more." Cedric hummed casually, fingers brushing against the pocket binder swaying by his hips. The straps of Cedric's off-white overalls had slipped from his slender shoulders, though he hadn't bothered to notice. Rather, his attention strayed towards the distance, beyond the mixed lavender and sunflower field.

"Finally!" A sudden figure emerged from the surrounding flowers, dark locks splayed messily. Rowan hopped up from the stool he had occupied since a while ago, ultimately making his presence known. He had been retreating within the borders of the foliage this whole time, in fact.

He had slowly grown drowsy while waiting patiently, unable to partake in anything besides his worries. After all, what good would gazing at flowers be when he was too preoccupied with thoughts of the very people that were now approaching them. Without hesitation, he pulled out his phone to send his missing boyfriends a quick message to gather.

In his relief, he failed to notice one prominent detail about the silhouettes that lurched closer. What had once been two, now emerged into one hunkering bundle that contiguously emitted heavy huffs of breath heard even from such a distance. They all watched with amazement though, as the reality of the spectacle came to fruition sooner than anyone would've liked.

"Come on, do a spin! Go faster!" Kallie's exclamations pierced through Gavin's ears, as the drunken male leaned over his shoulders. Wincing at the deafening sound, he could only hoist the blonde's body up by his thighs. As Kallie intermittently slid down, it was difficult to get him into a secure position.

The glasses-bearer steadily treaded down the narrow path, taking care to keep himself balanced. Though as soon as Gavin reached the others, he promptly dropped the heavy load off his back with a grunt, much to Kallie's dissent. "Aw, that's it? That was kinda boring..."

"No shit, I'm not some carnival ride." Gavin waved off the other's dissatisfaction, wiping away the sweat on his forehead instead. He hastily removed his blazer, revealing the damp stains marring the back of his shirt. As he exhaled repeatedly with his head down, the lenses of his glasses fogged up. It was clear to see he'd been given quite the workout. "God, I should've carried water with me instead."

"Water's not that tasty." Kallie turned away with fret, dawdling over to a dumbfounded ravenette taking cover behind his taller lover. He made grabs for the dazed little man's arm, pulling it intimately against his body. When the latter still paid him no mind, he tilting his head curiously.

Rowan simply gazed ahead with immense focus. The arm that hung loosely between Kallie's now clutched onto the latter rigidly. With a tremble to his voice, he spoke in an envious tone. "He's never carried me like that."

"Hm? But it's not that fun." Kallie chuckled softly, wondering why Rowan would want something that's not even exciting. In fact, he thought licking the other would be much more enjoyable, not to mention tastier. His eyes had immediately been entranced by the other's clear, honey-like skin. Please readers, keep in mind that this man is drunk.

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