[Chapter 3]: First Impressions

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"Ow! Yeah, I can't move it too much or it hurts." Lifting his elbow, a sharp sting physically barred him from unfurling the injured joint.

"No way..using...arm for....awhile." A muffled voice could be heard coming from the cell phone in Kallie's hand.

He was speaking with his friend Johann, who happened to be a doctor. Since he was doing it himself, he wanted to at least bandage the injuries up the right way. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it without proper instruction. Though he didn't want to tell the man, who specifically refused to let him stay here, that he got hurt in this house, he still needed help.

"Also, my ankle is swollen so bad, I think it might be numb. I'm afraid to touch it and find out though." The aforementioned limb was now gingerly held up in the air. Though it was tiring, it beat placing it on the leg spindles of the stool. That would put too much pressure on it.

"You got...things...I listed?...can still....come over." Though it was barely audible, the other occupants of the living room heard most of what was spoken. It was obvious that the person on the phone was worried. But it wasn't any of their business, so they didn't care much. One of them in particular, though, paid a little more attention than the others.

"No need, this first aid kit has got everything, by the looks of it." Kallie picked out two rolls of elastic bandages and some tubes of medicine from the neatly organized box. With a soft voice, he said, "Thanks for the help, and don't worry. Now let me get to it, I'll see you sometime soon. I love you, okay?"

"Love you, too." The voice sighed back, giving up on trying to come over before the line became silent.

Kallie hung up and prepared all the things that Johann advised him to use from the white medical box. He set it back on the wooden tabletop beside him, bending forward to slip off his shoe. He tried to do it softly but that only hurt more. He hissed from the pain. "...that hurts. Wait, what's that- ah!"

His back was a bit sore, probably from the many bruises on it. Bending down made them ache but he would need to bear it until his ankle was wrapped up. He grabbed the tube of pain relief gel and applied some to his left foot. He assumed it was only sprained and nothing too big, so that should do it.

His left elbow, on the other hand, was most definitely broken. The gel did nothing to relieve the throbbing. Though he didn't want to use things that weren't his, he took a bottle of painkillers from the aid kit and swallowed two down. He waited until they kicked in, so the discomfort would be minimal.

First placing the leg gently onto the other, he successfully encased the tender ankle in a compression wrap. It was difficult to work with one arm, so it took some time. Luckily, he was wearing shorts. Imagine how much harder it'd be to roll up his pant leg.

The big blotch of swollen and dark skin on his ankle stood out, the skin around it being so pale. For some reason, Kallie felt a hot gaze piercing into him, causing light hairs on his leg to prickle. It felt like he was being seen right through, and not in the way you'd look at a ghost. But when he turned towards the six other males in the room, there wasn't anyone staring at him.

The bookworm was nevertheless taken by his novel and the fierce-looking guy still peered down at his phone, round glasses pushed up. Rowan, the short guy, had not finished conversing with the green-haired male, who had the coolest haircut Kallie had ever seen, now that he'd noticed.

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