[Chapter 20]: Peculiarity I

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Kallie had been strolling around for nearly two hours now, breakfast burrito long eaten. Cruising through any paths he came across, he paid no heed to wherever his destination may be. Though he did make sure to mentally note paths he'd taken to prevent getting lost. He would return at some point, after all, contrary to his desire to spend the rest of the day out.

Passing by a trash can, Kallie smoothly tossed in the crumpled bag previously occupied by his breakfast and an empty water bottle. He glided along on his longboard, passing friendly parkgoers, and the occasional curious child or enthusiastic dog approaching him for varied reasons.

The atmosphere was rather pleasant no matter which area of the park he seems to traverse through, the mood was never gloomy nor empty. It was a very enjoyable trip to put it plainly if you disregarded the events related to a certain flirtatious try-hard from hours back.

Moments later, Kallie came across what seemed to be a small skate park. Ramps and half-pipes in numerous locations, as well as a large bowl in the center, is what he saw as he walked closer and this didn't include the many other objects scattered in the rather lofty skate park.

There were teens and adult alike riding their boards, performing tricks here and there. Some stood to the side, watching their friends or even strangers carry out different maneuvers. The sight made Kallie rethink his hasty decision to grab his longboard.

Regardless, there were some tricks to execute with this specific board, though not many compared to other boards. And so began Kallie's one-hour routine of brushing up on his skateboarding skills. It had been some months, maybe even a year, since he last rode, after all.

Soon arrived the finishing act, as Kallie was ready to begin wandering again. He rush towards some steps and made to flip over them, expecting to land as usual. He could've never guessed that someone was unexpectedly walking past exactly as he jumped.

It wouldn't be exaggerating to mention a loud thump sounded as Kallie crashed his head against a hard object. The momentum of the fall caused him to move forward even after the collision. Whatever that hard thing was, it was now underneath him.

"Ow, my head....." Kallie murmured, pitifully rubbing his head while he tried lifting his body up off the ground. Luckily enough, his hands kept his head from narrowly grazing the ground. Though now they burned from being chafed against the pavement. He was trying really hard to move without using his hands since they were hurting.

"You alright there, mate?" A troubled voice suddenly spoke from beneath him. A pair of hands made their way to his waist, lifting his body up and hoisting it to the side. It was then that Kallie realized he had been sitting on top of a person. More specifically, on their chest...

Kallie immediately steadied himself onto his feet before offering help to the man still laying on the ground. A large, calloused hand gently grabbed his own as the stranger pulled himself up. The guy looked very rough, though that may be due to their little collision. He was almost a head taller than Kallie, with dark locks messily hanging over brown eyes.

He reminded Kallie of a stereotypical high school bad boy, though he was likely older. This image was fortified by the leather jacket and half-lit cigarette laying nearby, both having fallen along with their owner. Still wearing a plain white t-shirt, multiple tattoos along the man's arms were on display.

But his appearance wasn't what Kallie was fixated on. The man radiated a vibe that relented towards tangling with him unless you sought trouble. But that could've merely been an exaggeration on Kallie's part, with how kind the man was being so far. Nonetheless, he had to tread carefully if he didn't want to anger the man. For some reason, he was reminded of those gangsters that Jackson occasionally hung out with in the past. They were similar yet different at the same time.

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