[Chapter 25]: Ramble

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Hey guys, I wrote this chapter really quickly cuz I had some time on hand. Feel free to point out any grammatical errors you might see. Hope you enjoy!


Kallie settled leisurely in bed, staring at his best friend who seemed almost dead to the world with how deeply he slept. He could understand why though, as the man was likely tired from long shifts at work. He leaned over gently, planting a kiss on Johann's brow.

Slowly rising, he began heading for the bathroom to wash up when a knock on his door made him stop. He casually walked over and pulled it open, coming face to face with a certain raven-haired male. Squinting his eyes which were still blurred from drowsiness, Kallie couldn't hold back the yawn escaping his lips. "Um, good morning. Is there something you need?"

Rowan didn't answer the question as he stared blankly at the male in front of him. Kallie's tilted eyes were now drooping from tiredness, a watery blue after his yawn had caused a tear to appear at its corner. His lips were carelessly pursed, similarly was his outfit disorderly with the baggy t-shirt almost sliding off his thin, pink-tinted shoulders. His shaggy blonde locks were pressed flat against his head on some parts and stuck out on others.

And Rowan thought he worked the 'just-rolled-out-of-bed' look better than anyone else in this house.....


Kallie's call brought Rowan back to the present. The petite male cleared his throat, repeatedly opening and closing his mouth. He didn't manage to get a word out until moments later, and even then it came out awkwardly. "S-sorry, no I-I mean, I'm very sorry. About yesterday, that is...."

Kallie was more than surprised to hear those particular words uttered out of Rowan's mouth, of all people. His eyes bugged out slightly, watching the male standing outside his door. Rowan had lowered his head at some point, averting his gaze out of shame or possibly unwillingness, though Kallie couldn't tell which it was. All he knew was that it was hard for the smaller male to meet his eyes.

"It's fine. It wasn't your fault." After a moment, Kallie sighed and accepted the apology, uncaring of whether it was half hearted or not. At least the male came forward and admitted he did wrong yesterday. But then again, he hadn't really done much in the first place. "You didn't even say much at that time. Though you did still enter my bedroom without permission."

"Ah, I guess you're right..." Rowan blinked, stunned at how easily Kallie forgave him. But thinking back, he really hadn't said anything yesterday, though he also hadn't tried to stop the real provoker. He found himself relieved nonetheless.

"Um, anyways here. I got you something." Rowan suddenly shoved a carton into Kallies hands before turning around. He didn't bother to look back and gauge the blonde's expression after abruptly receiving his compensatory gift. He didn't get far in his retreat though, as a hand suddenly clamped onto his elbow and pulled him back.

"Wait a minute, where did you get this?" Kallie looked down at the carton in his hands. A carton of honey rhubarb ice cream to be exact, with its sour flavor of rhubarb and creamy honey ice cream base.

"From a ice cream shop in town. It's pretty good." Rowan guardedly peered back at the blonde behind him, shaking off the other's soft hand.

"You mean this honey rhubarb flavored ice cream tastes good? You really think so?" Kallie skeptically asked, emphasizing the flavor of the ice cream. It wasn't a very common flavor, after all, and most people steered clear of it due to the tart stemmed rhubarb.

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