[Chapter 26]: Natural Habitat

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With vivid green trees towering into the clear sky and lush grass covering the ground, it seemed as if Kallie had entered a meadow of some sorts, the kind you'd find before coming upon a mythical, fairy-filled forest.

The area was a clear open space, grass unruly. There were a few flower beds close to the sides of the house and a single stone path leading towards the tree line a few yards away. He couldn't find any end to the trees that surrounded the circular space, no fences or gate that indicated the end of this backyard, if you could call it that. He was reminded of a certain comment on his livestream from yesterday.

It's like a beautiful forest.

And it truly was. Serene and green, with birds chirping here and there melodiously. Kallie was glad to have seen the sight so closely. It was different from looking out his bathroom window during baths.

"Stunning..." A fascinated voice spoke from beside him. Johann was positively taken with the view, and Kallie could say the same for himself, though he was at least able to shift his gaze the dark-haired male in front of them. Mycah stood smirking at their reactions, no doubt satisfied with them.

"Follow me and you'll get to see even more, this is the least of it." He vaguely claimed, before turning around. He stalked towards the seemingly endless tree line, following the small stone path at their feet. The two blondes glanced at each other briefly, before following after Mycah with renewed enthusiasm.

The surprisingly long trek lasted for about 5 minutes, as they weaved through the particularly curvy route and passed the various towering oaks that were common in California. Kallie never knew that the park was close to subalpine areas though, because he could swear he'd seen the tops of sequoias somewhere farther ahead during a few rather peaceful baths where he had ample time to observe the landscape. They were quite far though, maybe by miles.

The rest of the trip was silent, as Mycah seemed to want the two others to enjoy their walks. They finally reached what looked to be an opening ahead of them, flashes of something behind the thick trunks peeking out here and there. As they walked through it, Mycah announced the place with a flourish. "Welcome to our very own gazebo!"

A large, hexagonal pavilion-like structure stood in the middle of what was the side of a small hill, flattened to be level with the ground. The other side, still it's glorious mound of compact dirt, had a stone staircase leading up a few steps to a white shed.

The gazebo's white roof was held by wooden pillars on each of the open sides, attached to a slightly raised platform. There was a set of white rattan furniture arranged in the middle, looking well used but not in the least worn out.

Mycah stepped up to them, brushing away some fallen leaves from the small table in the center. "We come here often in the summer, when most of us aren't busy. There's still about a month left until then, though."

"Really? Can I come too?" Kallie asked with a hopeful tone. He could already imagine the slight, warm breeze swaying his hair as he sat in one of those chairs, reading a random novel he'd likely find in some remote bookstore from town.

He'd have to find the bookstore first though, maybe after some exploring. And of course, get permission from the others as well. If they hung out here often, then they probably would not like someone new invading their space. He was doing the last part enough as it is.

"I don't mind, but you'd have to talk with Trevor about it." Mycah shrugged nonchalantly, though even he was imagining the scene of Kallie sitting here in this private and calm place, with all his lovers of course. He broke out of that thought when he saw Kallie beam at his answer. Likely because they both knew Trevor wouldn't refuse a request so simple.

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