[Chapter 47]: Deadline Debuffs

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Kallie dazedly trudged up the stairs a single step at a time. The smooth, polished wood of the handrails slid along his sweat-lined palm. Although his steps were rather wobbly, he held on tight to ensure nothing proceeded as his previous staircase mishaps had. It'd be inconvenient to injure himself now when he wasn't sure if he should prepare for more run-ins with trouble.


His heart throbbed impossibly, shallow heaves causing the visible movement of his torso. His gaze was glued exclusively to his slippered feet, as he walked through the hall with thoughts too unstable to be coherently imparted. Therefore, he was utterly unaware of the willowy figure loitering beside his bedroom door.


Realization struck him overly late when he soon bumped headfirst into a warm and fuzzy chest. He consequently found himself, from pure instinct alone, clutching the person's collar with panicked eyes. When his attention finally returned to his surroundings, he frantically stumbled back.


"Are you alright?" Immediately, a concerned Cedric wrapped his arms around the blonde's shoulders, careful to keep him from tripping back on himself. In the mellow lighting of the navy-hued hallway, his hazel eyes glistened as inquisitively as always. "I can feel your heart beating just from a touch."


"Hm?" Kallie's voice came out a squeak, nearly inaudible if not for their proximity. He unclenched his fist from Cedric's sweatshirt, feebly trying to smoothen it back into its former glory. Though he was stopped by the sylphlike male, who held his hand and led it down to his sides.

"That man at the door left you very worked up." Cedric gently fiddled with it, slender fingers skimming over the soft expanse of skin. He hoped the action would placate Kallie, but unfortunately, his words drew out the opposite effect. Kallie parted his lips while glancing up, pupils constricting against the overhead light. The bright blue of his irises nearly engulfed them, positively limitless in appearance.

Cedric had the sudden urge to photograph them. Despite the lure, he couldn't help but notice the dampness of Kallie's palms as he kneaded into them. The other was more anxious than he'd thought, judging by the frown that now marred Kallie's exquisite features.

"Who was he?" Cedric somberly lowered his chin as he entwined their personal spaces. He knew from watching many crime documentaries that lessening the distance between them ensured the other person may have a difficult time lying, as they're focused directly upon his face. The blonde's tense inquiry quickly stopped the lettuce head in his tracks though.

"Cedric, tell me you're the only one who saw him." A simple nod was given in face of the blonde's demand. With a scan of the nearby doors and a prick of his ears, Kallie searched for the others' presence. It seemed no one was home at the moment, even Croissant's mewls were absent. He didn't recall hearing any noise as he passed the living room either. "Have you said anything to the others yet?"

"...I haven't this time." Cedric quietly mumbled, glad he'd been watching the scene through the front windows. From his position at the banisters, he was more than far enough not to hear their conversation. Otherwise, he might really have said something, with his unconscious urge to blurt out anything that ever crossed his mind and sight.

He realized just how intrusive he was being. Perhaps as he'd never reaped any consequences from his less-than-ideal ways, last night's confession with Kallie had yet to bear fruit. Meaning, there was no improvement in his meddlesome behavior. Good thing that it'd been too dark outside. "And I never saw his face either."

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