[Chapter 51]: Consequential Apparels

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(Saturday morning)

A faint creak of a bed, induced by enthusiasm, was quickly followed by pattering footsteps as Kallie left the comfort of his sheets and began pacing his room. He was currently on the phone, relishing a low chuckle against his ear as the fine rasp of a male's voice tickled his senses. He listened attentively, though his eyes trained absentmindedly on his open windows and the clear sky outside. "I'd better hang up now, my throat needs rest after all of yesterday, hahah, as you can tell. Bye, love."

"Mm, goodbye. I'll um, see you..." Kallie quietly bid farewell before the dial tone rang, ending the brief call. Once he no longer heard the other's hoarse voice, sorely overused from their sexual ventures, he drew in the deepest breath he could manage. He was wholly immersed in memories of the day before, both pleasurable and inherently stressful.

Charlie had arrived home to his little villa yesterday evening but as he kindly explained, he'd put aside contacting Kallie until now due to fatigue. Dialing the blonde up this morning for a much-needed discussion on their next course of action, he gently expressed his delight over their successful collab as well as his need for a break, given his throat had strangely become tender.

Ruling out the few smutty verbal endeavors and far-from-usual lack of noise, Charlie's expressions were oddly withdrawn during their activities the day before. His body had done most of the talking, one might say. Perhaps his throat was more delicate than average and he'd been holding himself back if simple dirty talk brought about such harsh effects. Even Kallie hadn't suffered to much of an extent, being the one receiving.

Anyway, they would take a short break from meetings, safe in the knowledge that they still had leftover content to post. They hadn't recorded their practice sessions for nothing, after all. The footage would be split, edited, and stitched into multiple videos for both their respective channels. Some clips, however, would remain only for their own eyes as not everything could be covered up with a well-timed scene cut. They were far too special for the internet, Charlie had proclaimed yesterday with his charming eye smiles on display.

Satisfaction graced Kallie's lips as he clutched his phone to his chest after hanging up. Those beautifully curved lips soon fell after he twirled in place, coming face to face with the funnily raised brows of a skeptical-looking Nathaniel, who stood in an interrogative stance. A brief glance behind the male told him all he needed to know. His once closed door was now thrown wide open, after all.

"Are you sure it's okay to meet that guy again? You've known each other for what, barely two months?" Resting an overly intimate palm against the other's neck, Nathaniel purposely released his full weight on Kallie's shoulders. While sharing his totally-not-uncalled-for worries, his tactlessness left Kallie aghast as the blunt remarks outweighed his casual demeanor in proving offensive. "You only look close, even with that uhm, thing you do...anyway, that's as far as it goes between you, amirite?"

Ignoring the stinky monkey head nuzzling menacingly against his toned upper arm, Kallie gazed bewilderedly upon the auburn-haired male, looking every bit like he'd been deprived of the chance to taste a sweet ripe banana by thieving, grubby hands that merely discarded the fresh fruit without a second thought, as opposed to just enjoying it in his stead. And suppose those grubby hands had been the one to supply that very banana in the first place. Quite an extraneous picture, you might imagine, but that was precisely the state of Kallie's emotions. Especially when he overcame the other's clinginess enough to catch a rational breath.

"How do you know about that?" And why was he somewhat right, Kallie felt an urge to remark. He reflexively pushed the other off and stepped aside, pondering long and hard about the words thrown at him. Nathaniel's goading expression had him tilt his face tormentingly close, sharply scanning the freckly and audacious man from head to toe.

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