[Chapter 39]: "Wednesday's approaching, my dudes."

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"Don't run off now!" Along flower-lined paths loped a tall figure chasing after another, arms occupied by two large cases and a tote bags. Trevor knew he had the ability to instantly catch Kallie, the only thing stopping him was his very own painting, currently stored within his panel carrier. He would take no risks with it.

"Then stop following me, I can walk myself." Within his sight, Kallie bound forward just out of reach, akin to a wayward child fleeing from his parent. His expression bordered on the line of amused and exasperated, clearly enjoying the game of cat and mouse, nonetheless tired of it. Trevor himself could relate, as much as he'd like to entertain Kallie's whims, he still had a pack of lovers to round up.

After a worthwhile struggle, Trevor eventually fetched the giddy blonde and texted his boyfriends to meet in the parking lot. He was unquestionably ready to set out for home, no objections allowed. Once he managed to drag Kallie in the direction of their parked car, the brunette soon found Rowan keeling over in a disheveled state.

"Where, did you find him?" Rowan paused for a breath, evidently having rushed here as soon as he had received the message. Trevor immediately settled his belongings beside the trunk and dug into his bag to hand over a bottled water. Rowan didn't hesitate to chug it down.

"Well, actually he um, came back himself. After you guys left." Trevor scratched his head guiltily, knowing that everyone else had been searching frantically for the drunken blonde, during which he'd spent his time painting. His boyfriends would grow likely upset at being uninformed, if they found out as Rowan had.

"What? Then why'd you call only now?" As expected, Rowan's exasperation grew when he realized that he'd been running around for nothing. He grumbled incoherently, crushing the emptied bottle in his hand. "Everyone's out to frustrate me today."

"I'm sorry, it just escaped my mind while I chased after him. He's a handful when drunk..." Trevor wiggled the bottle from his grasp, stuffing it back into his bag after briefly blowing to inflating it. Recycle that shit, kids. And don't say shit in front of kids either, they observe and adapt at an incomprehensible level. No matter how cute it sounded when they said it, Author-san's sibling has regrettably learned a very bad word from her, but let's not get off-topic here.

Eventually, the others made their reappearances and like runway models, they individually strutted their stuff, each striding through the Floral Hill's entrance. Kallie's eyes sparkled while his mind filled with absolutely fabulous thoughts. Before his gleeful eyes, emerged a grand catwalk with blinding spotlights traveling up the long path.

Model number one pranced in, as delicate as a baby deer taking its first steps. The fawn hue of Mycah's cotton sweatshirt matched accordingly, whilst his deep blue eyes dilated as would a deer's in headlights, though filled entirely with relief. Kallie felt as if he were truly emerged in the scene of a forest, watching nature take course. A nine out of ten, undoubtedly.

Models number two and three arrived simultaneously, both with their unique charms that meshed together perfectly well. Swirls of vibrant red flowers bloomed upon Stein's jacket, which was a light sand that resembled his hair. It slid down low, showing off the bare, finely fettled arms that caught one's eye immediately. Even more so, his piercing gaze that entranced Kallie for quite a few moments. Simply another nine out of ten.

Beside the lustrous jacket's sleeve, Cedric's fluff of green locks bounced as he trotted along, hands clenched into the bare sides of his off-white overalls. The fitted shirt underneath accentuated his straight posture and elegantly curved neck. Kallie beamed as soon as he met Cedric's hazel orbs, and surprisingly received a pleasant little smile back. Purely because of that, he'd give this one a nine point five out of ten.

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