[Chapter 22]: Hankered Sojourn

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"Kallie, are you ready yet? I think he's arrived!" Trevor called out, anxiously watching the stairs for a slim figure to emerge. He could just about hear the sounds of an engine coming from outside and he knew that his guest had arrived. He was currently waiting for Kallie to come downstairs to handle the situation as a middleman.

"I'm here! Has Johann come inside yet?" Kallie appeared at the top of the steps, fixing up his shirt as he walked. Honestly, he didn't need to care for his appearance in front of his best friend. It was only that he had to convince Johann by showing he was doing well while living here.

Previously, he had stayed at Johann's home for a few days. That didn't last long with Jackson soon showing up at his doorstep. From there, he traveled through multiple hotels so as not to implicate Johann any further. Luckily, Jackson didn't pursue him for too long and he was able to peacefully search for his own place.

As an unemployed person at the time, it wasn't easy for him. Only thanks to Johann's help did he find the Black manor that was far enough from Jackson. Trevor had agreed to him moving in with Johann's convincing, even with his meager savings as compensation. He was allowed to live there without needing to sign any contracts or the like that could be traceable.

It was also during those weeks of hotel hopping that he picked up streaming full-time. Before, he had only posted the rare video made when he was bored and Jackson wasn't paying attention. Who would've known he'd start doing well in that aspect? Things seemed on track now, he had a well-paying job of sorts and a roof to live under. Kallie planned to keep it that way by showing Johann that he was fine in this new environment.

"No, but his car is pulling up in front of the house." Trevor answered before he opened the front door, and ambled onto the porch. In the next second, a blur seemed to whiz past his shoulder while he was distracted watching as a small figure stepped out of the white car before him.

"You're here!" As soon as Johann emerged from his car, a blonde figure pounced at him. Arms latched tightly around his neck as Kallie hugged the life out of him. He was peppered with an onslaught of kisses from the other. "I missed you so much!"

"Geez, I'm glad you finally realized." Johann responded jokingly. He hugged his friend in return, savoring the warmth of the embrace. "You know, a few more calls wouldn't have hurt."

"Oh come on, I know." Kallie leaned his head back, still holding onto the other. He brought a hand up to Johann's strawberry blonde locks, twirling them in a light-hearted manner. Staring into those jewel blue eyes, Kallie didn't find the need to make excuses. "I just didn't want to bother you when you're busy."

Johann scoffed, pushing away from Kallie and crossing his arms. He glared at his best friend, not believing the nerve that the male had. His voice was rather cold as he spoke next. "Since when have I ever been too busy for you?"

"...Never." Kallie had to admit. But that was before I became such a troublesome burden. How could I bear to disturb you with my problems now? He thought. Although the male would never say so, Kallie knew that Johann was a bit guarded against him while they shared the same apartment. He couldn't figure out why and was hesitant to ask outright. So, in the end, he just decided to save them both the trouble and moved out.

"Exactly." Johann harrumphed, before noticing some figures standing a few feet behind Kallie. He flashed an easygoing smile, sticking a pale palm out to the familiar man nearby. "Hello, nice to meet you again."

"Yeah, I'm glad to see you too." Trevor stepped forward and tensely shook the small, milk-white hand. He tried his best at a welcoming smile, but it came out rather strained, not sitting well on his usually amicable face. The recipient of such an expression didn't notice though, his eyes focused on the one before him.

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