[Chapter 24]: Slumber Party

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"Sleepover? Hah, don't even mention it." Johann laughed, causing Kallie to feel a bit disheartened. It was for naught though, as Johann's next words immediately brightened his mood. With a brilliant smile, the strawberry blond pointed a thumb toward the front door behind him. "My bags are in the trunk."

"What?" Kallie blinked in wonder, looking over the other's shoulder towards the white car still parked in front of the house. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the thing is, I kinda might've lied to you about working tomorrow?" Johann sheepishly revealed in a not-so-roundabout roundabout way, after watching his friend trail off in confusion. Kallie looked as if he still couldn't understand. Now Johann became nervous, staring into Kallie's eyes awaiting his reaction. "I'm sorry, I was so eager to spend time more with you that I made up a rather lame excuse to see you sooner."

Surprisingly, Kallie disregarded the fact that Johann lied. He could talk about that later. Expressing his excitement instead, he shook his head in disbelief. "Wait, so you don't have work tomorrow? And you're actually staying over?"

"No, I'm free all day, and honestly, I might stay even if you don't want me to." Johann chuckled, finally relieved that Kallie wasn't angry. He wiggled his light-colored eyebrows at Kallie teasingly, hugging the latter's arm. "And I hope that's fine with you too?"

The last sentence was directed at Trevor, who had been on standby the whole time. Though it was a question, the way Johann said it made others unable to refuse. With a relenting tone, as Trevor really didn't want the strawberry blonde to think bad of him, he said in a rush, "Oh, no problems. In fact, I was gonna ask you to anyways since I assumed so."

Kallie was happy now that Trevor gave his approval. But of course, there was a matter he couldn't forget. Glancing at the sleeping toddler still sprawled over Johann's narrow shoulders, he asked, "What about June? Do you want to have her stay as well? I don't mind."

"Ah, I hate to say this but she'll be a big distraction." Johann stated with reluctance, watching Kallie walk up to his daughter and lovingly pat her sleeping head. He wouldn't be able to focus on observing the atmosphere in this house with her around. Especially not if he saw Kallie playing with the child, which would no doubt be a frequent occurrence. It would be a sight too cute to look away from.

"I want to see how you're doing but I won't be able to if June is always drawing away your attention. It may sound cruel but daddy is a serious man on business here, okay?"  After turning to give his baby some kisses, Johann moved the child's body away and decidedly passed her to his nephew. "Samael, please watch her for the rest of the night."

"Take her to your place right now, I don't want you heading home late either." Samael decisively took hold of his cousin but was rather unwilling to see her part with her father, even for just a night. But he listened to his uncle's instructions carefully nonetheless. "Just put her directly to bed. If she wakes up anytime during the night, you know what to do, right?"

Sammy nodded, which Johann took as his cue to continue. His next sentence caused the teen to brighten up though. "Bring her back here to pick me up tomorrow morning though."

"Oh, I'll be sure to!" He answered with a twinkle in his eyes. Although he wanted to complain about leaving so soon, he was undoubtedly happy for the excuse to come back tomorrow. Reaching out a free hand towards his uncle who was offering up his car keys, Samael couldn't help sneaking a glance at the bright blonde man nearby. That was until a pinch on his palm brought him out of his daze. "Ow-"

"Remember to bring my bag from the trunk afterward." With the look that Johann gave him, Samael didn't refuse and quickly went to complete the task, taking the napping baby with him. Although Johann wouldn't deny that he was worried, he trusted the teen, despite knowing each other for little more than a month.

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