[Chapter 19]: Obscure Convergence

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Kallie rested in that spot for a while, before finally standing. He almost whimpered at the effort, finding his body empty of energy. But he continued, unwilling to give into this feeling that wanted him to simply stay wallowing in sadness and anger.

With a decisive attitude, Kallie made his way back into the bathroom. He didn't bother with the mess of clothes and sex toys laying around, heading straight into the shower stall. He tried to shift his focus onto something else, fighting the urge to run up to the mirror and look at his more than likely ugly face at that moment.

Although he had soaked in the tub before, he hadn't exactly washed properly. His hair today was quite fluffy, and he preferred it a bit straighter too. So, the first thing he did was shampoo and condition. He massaged his head, standing under the shower head as sudsy water rolled along his bare body.

He finished up rather quickly, wrapping a towel around himself as he made his way out of the bathroom minutes later. He wiped his body down, afterward donning a pair of boxers and a robe. Drying his hair, Kallie considered what to do next.

Kallie honestly didn't want to go downstairs anymore, but he also didn't want to miss breakfast just because of some snooping jerks. He thought about the stares that might possibly meet him. That made him lose his appetite. Not to mention those hateful words that Gavin yelled at him. He didn't want to see the brunette right now. Kallie didn't want to see anyone right now.

He plopped down on the bed, curled up, and buried his face into a pillow. A few minutes later, he leaned back to flip the pillow over, two damp spots visible. Before face-planting back on the dry side of the pillow, Kallie thoroughly wiped his damp eyes, lest he got this side wet too.

It was a rather short amount of time. He could have cried longer, harder even. But that would only hurt more, forcing himself to do something he couldn't continue. That was why he had left Jackson as well. He couldn't keep forcing himself to stay in that place of grievance.

"I need to clear my head..." Kallie murmured, hastily getting up. He fished out some clothes from his drawers and swiftly put them on. He went to the wall behind his desk, reaching for a skateboard that was hung on it. After getting it, he cautiously approached the bedroom door and pulled it open a fraction. Through the gap, he scanned the hallway.

As Kallie established the coast to be clear, he tiptoed out. Thankfully the wooden floors were well taken care of, none of them made a noise as he walked across and down the stairs entirely. Once he reached the bottom, he was instantly on high alert.

From the direction of the kitchen, many voices flowed out. Although Kallie had no way to be sure, he assumed that everyone was in there having breakfast by now. He wasn't going to make sure though.

As quietly as possible when one rushed, Kallie reached the front door. He yanked it open, scurrying out as soon as he slipped some sneakers on. From there he paced away from the porch, making his way along the short trail that connected back to the rest of Greenery park.

Kallie had decided to go for a walk so he could focus his sights on fresh air and nature instead. Plus, he wanted to avoid the home-stays of the Black manor for a bit. Maybe he'd get himself some breakfast as well since he'd be missing the one served at home.

He strolled along the path, at some point mounting his skateboard. He rolled further along, finally coming across people in this giant park. He saw kids playing in the grass with their friends and family, owners walking their pets(dogs or otherwise..), and people jogging or cycling along beside. He saw so much life and excitement.

Kallie took a deep breath, drifting along with the slight breeze. He enjoyed the sight of the green leaves hanging on trees that were not yet changing even as the weather slowly grew colder. This little trip of his was much needed since he'd been cooped up inside the whole month and a half since he'd moved here.

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