~ A Sinister Sparring 2 ~

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When he had first allowed the costumed crusaders into the manor, Kallie expected perhaps a round of candy gathering at best. Certainly not an elaborate king's ball with intimidating beast men, nor disappearing fairies and a much friendlier, enigmatic Gavin waltzing him around.

Just where had things gone wrong, he woefully digressed. He slumped against the stone railings, unaware of the imperceptible footsteps that approached from behind him. "A soft bed would be great about now."

"Perhaps I should lend you mine?" A low chuckle permeated the silence before a human furnace graced the blonde's chilled existence. A furred cloak grazed his arms, offering a warmth that captivated Kallie into leaning toward the figure. The candid actions further pleased the mysterious newcomer as a smile danced upon his shadow-veiled features.

Kallie grew embarrassed at the implications, hiding his face in the crook of his elbow. A steady thrum along the railing had him peeking up to find long, slender fingertips tapping away with a flourish. He immediately recognized the calluses that marred the other's two innermost fingers, gained from holding paintbrushes for long periods of time. "Trev- I mean, your majesty? I um, my apologies..."

"You may call me by name if you like. I won't tell anyone." Trevor relented with bemused intrigue, pondering over the other's quick recognition of his identity, based solely on his fingers. He studied them deeply, though his poised words aimed straight for the truth. "Sir, just how is it that you were invited to this ball?"

Trevor glanced up through his chestnut bangs, light-toned lashes flared with a natural curl. Kallie had never noticed how long they were before today. The royal suggestively leaned forward, chin placed contemplatively upon his palm. "Invitations were given solely to those I know and I am confident we've only met today. I'd surely remember otherwise."

"I, I'm not sure. I simply received it?" Kallie revealed hesitantly, inherently keeping secret the fact that he'd hastily fished it out from his pocket, having not placed it there in the first place. Trevor leisurely threw his head back and glanced toward the sky, as if accepting the ridiculous words. The blonde could only watch on with bated breath, as awkward silence engulfed them.

"You were dancing rather closely with Duke Knight earlier. Are the two of you acquainted?" Trevor eventually inquired, the thought had plagued his mind since he initially witnessed the brief yet notable exchange between his vassal and the unfamiliar guest. He felt an inexplicable emotion course through his chest at their proximity, and he hadn't managed to look away.

Though they had separated soon after, King Trevor couldn't contain his sudden urge. Hence, he followed the blonde to this secluded terrace. Kallie was far from aware, overly focused on gaining any sense of clarity. He completely had not registered the scorching hot gaze upon his back.

"Truthfully...we aren't." Kallie chewed his lips guiltily, though he would be right to say Gavin was far from intimate with him. It seemed a bad idea to reveal he actually knew the brunette, as their relationship surely could not be explained in this metamorphosed world.

"I see. May I ask what you spoke about?" Trevor casually raised a brow, face regaining its previous luster. He was glad to know that his trusted vassal had no odd relationships with a stranger. Inwardly, he strove to unearth Kallie's origins as well, given how peculiar the blonde's attendance was. "I've never seen him look so relaxed before. He's a hopeless workaholic, you see."

Though as expected, Kallie mistook him to be worrying about his subordinate, or whatever their statuses were in this wayward place. After all, he had to agree that Gavin worked far more than necessary. Being a company CEO- er, rather whatever he was now, surely was taxing enough.

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