[Chapter 32]: "Wait, it's a date?"

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"Hey, you." A brazen voice called out, causing Kallie to gaze up from his book and stare at the raven-haired male before him. Rowan stood in the library's doorway with his arms crossed, looking quite adamant about something. "Are you free today?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Kallie set his book down on the arm of the sofa he sat on. Across from him sat a curious-looking Stein, who surprisingly looked up from his own book, watching with apt attention.

"My shift today at the bookstore was suddenly canceled." Rowan glanced at his lover daringly, hoping that Stein didn't mention anything about his unusual forwardness towards Kallie.

"Oh.." Kallie trailed off, glancing at Stein questioningly as if suggesting for the other to explain whatever Rowan seemed to be getting at. He gave up as the stormy-eyed male only blinked back at him passively. "So uh, I guess you're free today?"

"Tch, ain't that obvious?" Rowan jeered, sucking his teeth in annoyance. He would've continued being irritated by how Kallie wasn't picking up on his implications if he hadn't noticed the other's brow wrinkle with helplessness. Seeing that his old approach wouldn't work, he lightened his tone ever so slightly in a show of mercy. "So, I'll be going to the ice cream parlor that Cedric works at in a bit."

"Really? Can I go with you?" Kallie's face lit up once he registered the other's words.
Today was a day for ice cream, he had come to the library early this morning to reading one of his favorite bl books. Eating a bowl of his favorite ice cream would only make this day better. He had already finished the carton that Rowan had given him two days before. It was too small of a carton really, not enough for a man who ate his ice cream every other day. He had also shared some with Johann that morning, sometime before the latter had left.

Kallie looked at Rowan hopefully, cat eyes opened wide. Rowan looked away with his eyes closed, unable to withstand the cuteness. He lifted his chin arrogantly and feigned thinking whether he should allow the blonde to accompany him.

Finally, after a long pause, he gave a lofty nod. Kallie immediately jumped up in excitement, filled with joy. Although it was mostly due to him finally getting to have more ice cream, a small part of him was happy that Rowan was willing to go with him.

"Stein, want to come too? Since you're also off from the bookstore." Rowan finally turned to his silent lover, blinking open his bright baby blues. He hoped Stein wouldn't expose his little act but he also wanted someone he knew to help him, as meeting alone with Kallie would definitely be awkward for him.

"No thank you, but have fun on your date." He stepped up from his seat across Kallie and raised his hands, ruffling both the other two's heads. Rowan smiled slightly at the motion, while Kallie felt that Stein truly was a kind man to even include him when giving such affection.

"Wait." Kallie suddenly picked up on what Stein had said earlier. He also noticed that no one had denied it. He turned to the two males beside him with bewilderment. "It's a date?"

"Wha- no!" Rowan heard his words and jolted in surprise, his ears quickly growing red. He glanced between the two blondes, shoving the one he was closer to in a mini-fit. "Why would you say that?"

Stein merely gave a gentle smile, pushing both the shorter males out of his library. "You'd better get going. Cedric will be on shift right about now."

Rowan huffed, his back hair sliding back at the move. He gave a look towards Kallie, scanning down at his attire before leaving. The blonde was once again wearing loose shorts up to his thighs and a simple short-sleeve. "Get dressed, I'll be waiting at the door in 5 mins."

About 20 minutes later, after a somewhat silent walk to Swirly's ice cream shop, the two stood in line before the counter, waiting for their turn to order. When the two finally got to the front, a cold voice spoke. "Welcome to Swirly's, what can I get you today?"

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