[Chapter 21]: Peculiarity II

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As one individual rushed home in his excitement, others were loitering around their cozy living room. The occupants of the Black manor had just finished their lunch of spinach enchiladas before deciding to idle on this rare free day.

The tv was turned on, the chattering of a random talk show filling in the silence that would've set in the room otherwise. And though most of them wouldn't admit so, they each grew restless as the minutes passed by. Except for Cedric, who was contently taking an afternoon nap on the couch.

"What's taking him so long?" Mycah impatiently groused, placating the kitty in his arms. Croissant had been clawing at him since morning as soon as he saw that Kallie was missing. Because of his actions, Mycah even questioned whether Kallie was the one to raise this kitten so painstakingly rather than himself.

Some heard his grumbling, nodding along in agreement. A certain blue-eyed shorty was fretting in his seat, clasping his hands together anxiously. He could not relax, especially at the thought of why Kallie had left home in the first place.

Rowan glanced at the other two men who knew the real reason for the blonde's departure. Gavin was menacingly typing away at his phone, likely stress-working. It wasn't the most productive way to get his work done but he couldn't help himself.

Every time he felt agitated, he'd turn to the countless documents he had to check over as the CEO of his own company. It seemed like a thing most workaholics did, drowning themselves in work to get their minds off other things. Gavin especially prided himself on his job, so of course, he took it as something that helped him calm down. It was odd to Rowan but he reluctantly let his lover be.

Nathaniel had busied himself with a 1,000-piece puzzle, something Cedric had brought out before he fell asleep. The lettuce head was tired after returning from work a few hours ago but that didn't keep him from trying to expend Nathaniel's endless energy reserves when he could. The chestnut-haired male in question didn't mind going along with the other's wishes. They kept each other balanced in that way.

The corners of Rowan's mouth bent downwards, seeing how occupied the two looked. It didn't seem as though they were wondering too much about the blonde whom they had upset only hours prior. He wondered if he was the only one who even cared to apologize for the fault that was obviously split amongst the three of them. He worriedly sat back, waiting for the time that Kallie would return.

All of this, Stein had observed under the guise of reading a book. In fact, he had been on the same page for about 5 minutes. He'd never been on a single page for so long before, but it was inevitable since his attention was placed on other things. If anyone had noticed, they'd call it unusual since most things never called his eyes away from his beloved books.

It was only because their minds were occupied that no one in the room perceived his keen gaze. He merely wondered if the odd behavior of his lovers was anything related to whatever had Kallie's mood so lifted in the morning. Everyone was acting strange today, it seemed. That is to say, everyone besides lovely little Cedric. But it's to be expected.

Stein envied the fact that the male could stay so oblivious to his surroundings unlike him. He even couldn't keep his eyes from wandering to Trevor, who most especially was behaving weirdly. The brunette was currently gazing intently at his cell phone, whatever it was on the screen, only he knew.

Suddenly, a loud ding sounded throughout the room and four more heads simultaneously turned toward Trevor's direction.

Trevor didn't pay mind to the actions, staring at the screen which showed a chat room empty but for a single new text. Since the two had met for the first time some weeks ago, there had been no conversation between them via messages. Though there might've been many old texts exchanged with the owner of the number, the last had been almost two months ago.

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