[Chapter 46]: Shakedown

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The sharp noise echoed in the far distance, followed by the faint shuffle of leaves. Kallie swiveled around, surveying the trees lining the dark path behind him. There was no one in sight, as he'd expected.

Kallie was currently walking down the road towards the Black Manor, taking in the moonlit scenery. Every once in a while, strange sounds shadowed him. At first, he'd associated them with the park's critters, loitering squirrels and birds on their way home just as he was.

With the trail being void of others, he hadn't really thought someone was following him. Excluding Johann and Sammy, only the guys and he knew to use it, after all. He was long past the public part of the park that was usually occupied, anyways. Surely, he was being too paranoid, he thought. Until the familiar patter of footsteps reached his ears.

As he caught sight of the house's lights up ahead though, he finally felt it. A pair of eyes honed onto the back of his neck, inducing goosebumps to erupt along his bare arms. Someone was watching him, raptly.

Kallie upped his pace, walking faster as he hastily rubbed his arms. Upon passing the parking lot, which he found empty of anything besides cars, he casually reached for his phone and dialed a number. He didn't want to risk the creepy pursuer pulling anything shady before he even reached the house.

"Hello?" Kallie spoke loudly as soon as the call was picked up. He deliberately slowed down, hoping to show his follower that he suspected nothing. "Hey Mycah, I'm assuming Trevor still hasn't picked up his phone all this while if you're answering. Is he busy?"

It seemed to work as he no longer felt the probing eyes on him. He continued to hold a nice, easygoing conversation with Mycah, assuring the other that he'd called for no other reason than to announce he'd be returning soon. In passing, he inquired about Sammy and co, hoping the teens were seen off properly.

Kallie expressed his thanks to everyone for taking care of things after he'd invited the group so suddenly and left. He gave his goodbyes shortly, hanging up as he reached the manor's porch. Now more relaxed as he had safely reached his destination, Kallie entered the house and tightly shut the door behind himself.

He steadily began untying the laces of his shoes, humming a soft tune to ward off thoughts about possibly getting stalked. He might've been a popular adult streamer, but surely he wasn't anything too special. Definitely, not someone others might obsess over enough to track down. That was his wishful thinking at least, as he shuddered at the thought of getting his identity compromised.

Kallie peeked into the empty living room before readying to head up the stairs. There was no one around, so he assumed the others were in their respective bedrooms. He was a bit disappointed, having hoped to share his odd experience.

Suddenly, the tinkling sound of the doorbell rang within the foyer, jolting Kallie to attention. An ominous feeling crawled over him, as he hastily faced the front door again. Another unexpected ring played again, conveying how impatient the other person was getting. Kallie could only imagine who would be there, visiting at such an odd time of night.

He soon got his answer after impulsively pulling the door open. Kallie came face to face with the worst person he could possibly have guessed, visibly paling as the other smirked suggestively. It seemed he'd found his supposed pursuer now. The one he'd forgotten all this time. "How did you find me?"

The tall, brown-eyed male that stood before Kallie meaningfully raised a hand to the doorway. His arm muscles flexed through the sleeves of his loose-knit sweatshirt, thrown over a plain white tank underneath. Heavy under-eye circles marred his handsome face, obviously plagued with unease. He looked every bit the scraggly lovesick bastard that he was, dark brown locks wildly tousled and longer than the last time Kallie had seen them.

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