Chapter 15

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"Did my father ask you to watch me from the shadows?" Mila asked, turning to face Emmett. She noticed the surprise in his eyes, clearly taken aback by how quickly she had detected his presence.

Emmett hesitated for a moment before answering, choosing his words carefully. "Your father is only trying to protect you, Lady Mila. He doesn't want you to be harmed, especially since it's difficult for him to keep an eye on you at all times." He paused, unsure of how much to reveal. While he had been assigned to guard her as a shadow knight, Emmett had chosen to take on the role out of genuine care for her, not just out of duty.

Mila's expression softened as she listened. "Sir Emmett," she began, her voice steady and sincere, "you, Sara, and Trivett are my friends. Next time, please don't hide anything from me. It would make me feel as though we aren't truly friends."

Emmett was struck by her words, a mixture of guilt and admiration swelling within him. "I'm sorry, my lady," he said, bowing his head slightly. "If there's any punishment you wish to impose on me, please let me know. I will accept it willingly."

Mila shook her head, a gentle smile forming on her lips. "There's no need for that. You're my friend, and I don't want to cause Sara any worry. She cares about you, so let's not speak of punishments." She stepped closer to him, looking up to meet his eyes. Though he was taller, especially when he knelt, she could still see the sincerity in his gaze.

Emmett nodded, deeply moved by her words. He had always seen Mila as a strong, intelligent girl, but moments like this reminded him of her kindness and wisdom beyond her years. "Thank you, Lady Mila," he said softly, his respect for her growing even more.

Their conversation was interrupted by a soft fluttering sound from the window. Mila glanced over to see Jero, the Crested Eye Quetzal, perched patiently, waiting for her to take the letter he had brought. She excused herself and moved to the window, letting Jero inside.

Carefully untying the letter from his leg, Mila unfolded it and read the words written by ZH:

'I usually don't celebrate my birthdays. I prefer to keep my birthday a secret. I appreciate your consideration.' - ZH.

Mila furrowed her brow slightly, pondering the message. ZH was so secretive, even about something as simple as a birthday. It made her wonder about their life and why they kept so much hidden. 'If they don't celebrate their birthday, then I should give them a gift,' she thought to herself. But what could she give them? Mila looked around her room, searching for something special that might be fitting, but nothing seemed right.

She sighed, feeling a bit disheartened. Then, an idea struck her. Mila reached up and gently touched her hair, its soft strands a comforting presence. 'This is all I can give,' she decided, knowing it was something personal and meaningful.

Taking a small pair of scissors, she carefully cut a pinkie-sized lock of her hair. She spent a few moments delicately tying it into a bow-like shape, crafting it into a small tassel. It was simple, but it carried a piece of her with it—a token of friendship. Once she was satisfied with how it looked, Mila tied the tassel securely onto Jero's leg. The bird tilted its head, seemingly confused by the unusual gift, but Mila simply smiled.

"This is their gift," she said softly, hoping ZH would appreciate the thought behind it. As Jero prepared to take flight, Mila watched him with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, wondering how ZH would respond to such a personal gesture.

With a final chirp, Jero flew off, carrying Mila's small yet heartfelt gift. She stood by the window for a while, watching the sky until he disappeared from view, her heart filled with hope that her gesture would be received with the same warmth it was given.
'Your Highness, she has a gift for you,' Jero announced as he flew gracefully into the room, landing softly on the desk where ZH was reviewing some papers.

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