Chapter 188

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Standing in front of the Zameth palace, Trivett hoped that they would remember him after a long time. "Trivett?!?!" Hearing a familiar voice, he turned to see that it was Bert. The doctor was out on a stroll and happened to see a familiar man who he had once met in the Noble family's mansion. Rather, they used to work together.

"Bert Conner," Trivett said, holding a smile since he remembered this man well, even though they did not truly speak to each other for long whenever they met. It was always a brief conversation about what went on in their life, or it was about their lady.

"This is a great surprise. Where have you been all this time?" Bert asked. It had been quite a long time since he last spoke to Trivett.

"Trivett, is there something wrong?" Angela poked her head out of the carriage, and Triar did the same to see who his father was talking to. Bert looked at Trivett and then at the woman and the boy, who had some similar features to Trivett.

It did not take long for it to click in his head. "So, that is what happened." Bert could see that Trivett must have done something six years ago to bring that child here today. "Would you like to tell me about it while we go meet the duke?" Bert asked. There was a lot to catch up on. They had a ton of time, too.

"Another time. I would like to meet the duke if it is not too hard to do." Trivett hoped that he would be able to meet Duke Reynard after so long. He did want to see if he could still assist the duke and give his support after years of dealing with his personal life.

"Of course, come with me. Bring your family as well. I am certain that the duke would love to meet your family." Bert allowed them all to follow after him as they entered the Zameth palace. Awaiting at the door, they then saw many people leave as they entered after to see Duke Reynard finishing up the rest of the paperwork on his desk. He had been trying to keep himself busy and visiting his granddaughters since they brightened his life a lot.

"The meeting is over. If you wish to talk about something else, then arrange another meeting with me." Duke Reynard did not even take a look at whom it may be. He wanted to finish the last bit of papers and pay a visit to his grandchildren.

"What about meeting an old servant?" Trivett said.

Upon hearing that voice, Duke Reynard turned around to see that it was his butler after so many years that had passed. "You are no servant. You are an old friend." Duke Reynard turned around to take a look at this butler, who still had some youthful features. Looking behind him, he saw Mila's old teacher and a child standing next to her with both Angela and Trivett's features. Giving him a good idea of what may have happened during the time that Mila was unconscious. "I have a good idea what could have happened." Duke Reynard did not think that this bulter of his was able to find a woman, but apparently, something happened along the way. 'Should I even ask?' Seems like there were nosy and curious people.

"I will tell you the full story another time. This is my wife, Angela. You both should already know each other, but I want to introduce her as my wife." Trivett introduced Angela again, allowing her to greet them formally.

"Greetings, my lord." Angela could see that Mila's father had aged quite a bit. "It is good to meet you again after all these years."

"No need for formalities." Duke Reynard saw them as good friends who took care of Mila.

"My son, Triar." Trivett had his son come forth. He looked to the duke and saw that this was the man his father spoke about.

"It is nice to meet you, Duke Reynard." Triar remained as formal as he could.

"Your son knows his ways to be respectful and formal, just like you. I can see that both father and son are very alike." Duke Reynard decided to cancel the rest of the day so he could spend time with an old friend of his.

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